Building Block Extension API
This document details the API for creating Building Block Extensions for Wealth-Lab 8, which users can drag and drop to compose a Building Block Strategy.
Build Environment
You can create a BuildingBlock in a .NET development tool such as Visual Studio 2022.
Create a class library project that targets .NET8, then reference the WealthLab.Core
library DLL that you'll find in the WL8 installation folder.
Note: If you are using Visual Studio 2022, it will need to be updated to at least version 17.8.6 to use .NET8.
Your BuildingBlock will be a class in this library that descends from BuildingBlockBase, which is defined in the WealthLab.Core library, in the WealthLab.Backtest namespace. After you implement and build your library, simply copy the resulting assembly DLL into the WL8 installation folder. The next time WL8 starts up, it will discover your BuildingBlock, making it available in appropriate locations of the WL8 user interface.
Your Blocks will appear in a node in the Building Block tree labelled with the name of your assembly. You can change this name by assigning a value to the LibraryName of your Building Block.
Accessing the Host (WL8) Environment
The IHost interface allows your extension to access information about the user's WealthLab environment. For example, the location of the user data folder, or obtaining a list of DataSets defined by the user. At any point in your extension's code base, you can access an instance of the IHost interface using the singleton class WLHost and its Instance property. Example:
//get user data folder
string folder = WLHost.Instance.DataFolder;
Building Block Types
Although BuildingBlockBase is the ultimate base class, your Blocks will descend from one of three descendant classes of BuildungBlockBase:
- Entry/Exit Blocks - EntryExitBuildingBlock class
- Condition Blocks - ConditionBuildingBlock class
- Qualifier Blocks - QualiferBuildingBlock class
Configuration of a Building Block
BuildingBlockBase descends from the base class Configurable, which provides a way to allow the user to configure the Broker Adapter. Consult the Configurable class reference for details. BuildingBlocks use a ConfigurableType of ParameterList, which should not be changed. This means that you can add Parameter instances to the Building Block's Parameters property, doing so in the GenerateParameters method. The user can configure these Parameter instances to configure the Building Block.
The Configurable type provides properties you will override to describe the Building Block, such as Name and GlyphResource.
Code Generation
Building Blocks work by generating C# code. The generated code is assembled together by WL8 and ultimately compiled, just like a C# Coded Strategy. If you select Open as C# Coded Strategy in a Building Block Strategy window, you can see the C# code that WL8 generates for a Building Block Strategy.
Building Blocks need to inject code into the Strategy in three different places. Each of these injection sites is represented by a different property of BuildingBlockBase.
public virtual void Initialize()
Override this method to perform one-time initialization in your Building Block. Here you can change the LibraryName, which determines the name of the node that your Building Block appears under in the WL8 Building Blocks list.
public List<string> VarCode
This List of strings contains the lines of code that will be injected into the private variables section of the C# Strategy code. It consists of a number of C# variable declarations. The Building Block architecture has some features that make sure variable names remain unique, even if multiple Building Blocks of the same type are used in a Strategy.
public virtual void GenerateVarCode()
The Building Block code generate calls this method in your Building Block to generate the code for the private variables section. You typically don't need to override this method, as the default implementation goes through the variables that you registered using RegisterVariable (described below) and generates the appropriate lines of code. If you do override this method, call the base method first, base.GenerateVarCode();
, before adding VarCode strings.
public List<string> InitCode
This List of strings contains the lines of code that will be injected into the Initialize method of the generated UserStrategyBase class source code. Here, indicators and other variables can be initialized, either by calling their constructors using the new operator or calling the IndicatorBase static Series method. Your injected code can make use of the passed BarHistory instance (bars parameter).
public virtual void GenerateInitCode()
Override this method to add lines of code to be injected into the Strategy's Initialize method. The lines should be added to the InitCode property.
public List<string> MainCode
This List of strings contains the lines of code that will be injected into the Execute method of the UserStrategyBase class. The code contained here depends on the type of Building Block being implemented. Your injected code can make use of the passed BarHistory instance (bars parameter), and the current index being processed.
public abstract void GenerateMainCode()
Override this method to add lines of code to be injected into the Strategy's Execute method. The lines should be added to the MainCode property.
public List<string> PreExecCode
This List of strings contains the lines of code that will be injected into the PreExecute method of the generated UserStrategyBase class source code. A PreExecute override will be generated only if there are any lines of code added to this property. If so, it will use the standard method signature of the PreExecute method, including the dt DateTime parameter and the participants List<BarHistory> parameter.
public virtual void GeneratePreExecCode()
Override this method to add lines of code to be injected into the Strategy's PreExecute method. The lines should be added to the PreExecCode property.
public List<string> PostExecCode
This List of strings contains the lines of code that will be injected into the PostExecute method of the generated UserStrategyBase class source code. A PostExecute method will be generated only if there are any lines of code added to this property. If so, it will use the standard method signature of the PostExecute method, including the dt DateTime parameter and the participants List<BarHistory> parameter.
public virtual void GeneratePostExecCode()
Override this method to add lines of code to be injected into the Strategy's PostExecute method. The lines should be added to the PostExecCode property.
public List<string> BacktestCompleteCode
This List of strings contains the lines of code that will be injected into the BacktestComplete method of the generated UserStrategyBase class source code. A BacktestComplete method will be generated only if there are any lines of code added to this property.
public virtual void GenerateBacktestCompleteCode()
Override this method to add lines of code to be injected into the Strategy's BacktestComplete method. The lines should be added to the BacktestCompleteCode property.
Using Clause
public List<string> UsingClauseLibs
This List of strings contains the namespaces that will be added to the using clause of the UserStrategyBase class being generated. If your Building Block uses classes and methods particular to an assembly that is not referenced by default, such as your extension's assembly, you'll need to ensure that the assembly is added to the generated code's using clause. Rather than add it directly to this List, use the helper method described below.
public void AddToUsingClause(string libraryName)
Call this method to add a namespace to the generated code's using clause. This method ensures that each namespace is only added once to the generated code.
Building Block Parameters
public ParameterList Parameters
This property is a ParameterList instance that contains Parameter instances, which allow the user to change different settings of the Building Block. A plethora of different parameter types are available, see the Parameter class reference for a full list and description.
public virtual void GenerateParameters()
Override this method to add Parameter instances to the Building Block's Parameters property. See the Configurable reference, which includes a number of helper methods that make it easier to add certain kinds of Parameter instances. Specifically, AddParameter, AddIndicatorParameter, AddValueCompareParameter, and AddEnumParameter are most helpful.
//Parameter class property
public string BuildingBlockTextOutput
The Parameter class has a property called BuildingBlockTextOutput that you should use whenever you need to inject a parameter's value into generated code. In the example below, we create an int parameter representing a day of the week. A second comparison parameter is used to compare the current date with our first parameter.
public override GenerateParameters()
AddParameter("Day of Week", ParameterType.Int32, 1);
public override GenerateMainCode()
string day = Parameters[0].BuildingBlockTextOutput;
string operand = Parameters[0].AsCompareOperation; //helper property of Parameter class
MainCode.Add("if (bars.DateTimes[index].Day " + operand + " " + day + ")");
MainCode.Add(" SetBackgroundColor(index, Colors.LightGreen);");
Building Block Description
Override the Description property to return a brief description of the configured Building Block. This Description is used in the Building Block design surface to represent your Building Block. For Entries and Exits, WL8 will prepend the Description with "Buy", "Sell", "Short", or "Cover", so return the remainder of what the final Description should resolve to. To get an idea for how Description should be generated, observe how they appear as you drag various Blocks onto the design surface in WL8 and manipulate their Parameters.
Defining Variables
public void RegisterVariable(string varName, string varType, int parameterNum = -1)
Call this from within your Initialize method to register a C# variable name with the Building Block. When you add lines of code to the injection points (InitCode and MainCode), you should put angle brackets around the variable names. WL8 uses these brackets variable names to ensure that each variable you register winds up with a unique variable name in the generated C# Strategy code.
If your variable should be based on the value of one of your Building Block Parameters, pass the parameter index number in the parameterNum parameter.
For example, assume you want to declare an int variable called n, initialize it to the number of bars in the BarHistory instance, and decrement its value once each time Execute is called. Here is the stripped down example code for this scenario:
public override void Initialize()
RegisterVariable("n", "int");
public override GenerateInitCode()
InitCode.Add("<n> = bars.Count;");
public override GenerateMainCode()
Working with Indicators
public void GenerateIndicatorInitCode(int paramNum, string paramName, string parentIndicator = "")
Call this helper method within your GenerateInitCode to generate the initialization code for variables based on indicator parameters. Indicator parameters are Parameter instances in your Building Block Parameters that were created using the AddIndicatorParameter method, and they have a Type of ParameterType.Indicator or ParameterType.Smoother. Pass the parameter number (with 0 being the first parameter you created) in the paramNumber parameter. In paramName pass the registered variable name that you are using for this variable reference.
In the example below, we add two indicator parameters to our Building Block, and use GenerateIndicatorInitCode to initialize them.
public override Initialize()
AddIndicatorParameter("slowMA", "SMA");
AddIndicatorParameter("fastMA", "SMA");
RegisterVariable("slowMA", "IndicatorBase", 0);
RegisterVariable("fastMA", "IndicatorBase", 1);
public override GenerateInitCode()
GenerateIndicatorInitCode(0, "slowMA");
GenerateIndicatorInitCode(1, "fastMA");
Entry/Exit Building Blocks
Building Blocks that represent market entries and exits are handled by the EntryExitBuildingBlock base class. The primary job here is to override the GenerateMainCode method to add the code for entering or exiting a position.
public virtual bool IsEntry => false;
public virtual bool IsExit => false;
Override one of these properties to return true, depending on whether you are implementing an entry or an exit building block.
public virtual PositionType? PositionType
Override this property to return whether your entry/exit handles long (PositionType.Long, Buy/Sell) or short (PositionType.Short, Short/Cover) positions.
public int GroupCode
This property stores a behind-the-scenes value that helps the code generator track entry/exit blocks. For entry Building Blocks, your injected code should issue a PlaceTrade call, assigning the result of the call to a variable named _transaction. The Building Block template code already defines the _transaction variable for you. In the example below, the BuyAtMarket entry block issues the PlaceTrade and assigns the result. Note the inclusion of the GroupCode, and the call to base.GenerateMainCode after the injection of our code.
public override void GenerateMainCode()
MainCode.Add("_transaction = PlaceTrade(bars, TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market, 0, " + GroupCode + ");");
For exit Building Blocks, your code will work with another behind-the-scenes variable name, this time foundPositionN, where the N is replaced with the GroupCode. Your exit code should issue a call to ClosePosition using this variable name as a parameter. For example, here is the implementation of the SellAtMarket exit code:
public override void GenerateMainCode()
MainCode.Add("ClosePosition(foundPosition" + GroupCode + ", OrderType.Market);");
Condition Building Blocks
Building Blocks that represent conditions are implemented by the ConditionBuildingBlock base class. They typically examine the Building Block Parameters and generate if/then statements based on their values.
public abstract void GenerateConditionCode()
Implement the injection of code lines into MainCode here, instead of the ancestor's GenerateMainCode method. The final line of injected code should be an if statement, left hanging at the closing parenthesis. Below is an example implementation of the Indicator Compare to Indicator Condition.
public override void GenerateConditionCode()
string operand = Parameters[1].AsOperand;
string barsBack = Parameters[3].BuildingBlockTextOutput;
MainCode.Add("if (index - " + barsBack + " >= 0 && <indicator1>[index] " + operand + " <indicator2>[index - " + barsBack + "])");
Qualifier Building Blocks
Qualifier Building Blocks can be added to Condition Building Blocks to add additional logic. They are implemented as instances of the QualifierBuildingBlock base class. Your Qualifier Building Block should generate code that wraps the parent Condition, and ends with an if statement, left hanging at the closing parenthesis. A Qualifier Block's generated code can reference the if statement of its parent Condition Block by using the special <Condition> tag.
In the example below, the NBarsAgo Qualifier Building Blocks generates code that tests to see if the associated Condition has occurred N bars ago (as determined by its Parameter value), instead of at the current index.
using WealthLab.Core;
namespace WealthLab.Backtest
//Qualifier block - N Bars ago
public class NBarsAgo : QualifierBuildingBlock
//generate parameters
public override void GenerateParameters()
Parameter p = AddParameter("How many bars ago", ParameterType.Int32, 1);
p.MinValue = 1.0;
public override void Initialize()
RegisterVariable("savedIndex", "int");
RegisterVariable("flag", "bool");
public override string Name => "N Bars Ago";
//get qualifier code
public override void GenerateMainCode()
string numBars = Parameters[0].BuildingBlockTextOutput;
MainCode.Add("<savedIndex> = index;");
MainCode.Add("<flag> = false;");
MainCode.Add("index = index - " + numBars + ";");
MainCode.Add("if (index >= 0)");
MainCode.Add("\t\t<flag> = true;");
MainCode.Add("index = <savedIndex>;");
MainCode.Add("if (<flag>)");
public override string Description
int bars = Parameters[0].AsInt;
return bars.ToString() + (bars == 1 ? " bar" : " bars") + " ago";
Enabling Same Bar Exits
public virtual bool SupportsSameBarExit
Override this property to return true if you want your Exit Building Block to support same-bar exits. If you do, a check-box will appear when the Block is added to a Strategy, allowing the Strategy creator to enable same-bar exits. Then, implement the method below.
public virtual void GenerateSameBarExitCode()
In this method you'll inject lines of code into the SameBarExitCode property of your Building Block. SameBarExitCode is a List<string>, just like the other code-storage properties such as MainCode and InitCode.
The code you add will be injected into the Strategy's AssignAutoStopTargetPrices method. It should use the Transaction instance (t parameter) and call either its AssignAutoProfitTargetPrice or AssignAutoStopLossPrice methods, which perform pruning checks to ensure the correct target/stop values are assigned in case multiple same-bar Exit Blocks are being used.
Below is the implementation of GenerateSameBarExitCode for the Sell at Profit Target Building Block. Note that you can assume a local variable of type double named price is present.
public override void GenerateSameBarExitCode()
double mult = Parameters[0].AsDouble / 100.0 + 1.0;
SameBarExitCode.Add("\t\t\tprice = executionPrice * " + mult + ";");
Associating a Building Block with a Strategy Gene
public virtual StrategyGeneBase GetGene()
If your Building Block can be represented by a Strategy Gene, either one already defined in WL8, or one of your own creation, override this method to make the association. Create an instance of the StrategyGeneBase derived class here, and assign appropriate values to its property parameters, based on the Building Block's current Parameters values.