Search Framework:
Namespace: WealthLab.Backtest
Parent: OptimizationRunnerBase

Executes walk-forward optimizations (WFO). This class compiles the results of the WFO for use by Optimization Visualizers.

Base Class Members
public BacktestSettings BacktestSettings

Returns the backtest settings (instance of the BacktestSettings class) that was used for the optimization.

public StrategyBase CompiledStrategy

Returns the instance of the StrategyBase derived class that represents the compiled Strategy being optimized.

public OptimizerBase OptimizationMethod

Returns the Optimizer (instance of an OptimizerBase derived class) that was selected for the optimization.

public IOptimizerHost OptimizerHost

Returns an instance of the IOptimizerHost instance that lets an Optimizer communicate back information to its host.

public PositionSize PositionSize

Returns the position size (instance of the PositionSize class) that was used for the optimization.

public void ReportEstimatedCompletion(double value)

Allows Optimizers to report back their estimated completion percentage. The value parameter should be between 0 and 100.

public ScoreCardBase ScoreCard

Returns the instance of the ScoreCard that was selected for the optimization.

public List<BarHistory> SymbolData

A List of BarHistory instances that constitutes the historical data being optimized.

public DataSet DataSet

Returns the instance of the DataSet that was selected for the walk-forward optimization.

public double InSamplePercent

Returns the in-sample percent that was established for the walk-forward optimization.

public int Intervals

The number of intervals selected for the walk-forward optimization.

public string Mode

Contains the Mode of the optimizer's Selector object. The Mode determines exactly how the Selector determines the "best" metric. For example, the default Selector uses a performance metric as its Mode, and returns either the highest metric value, or the lowest, depending on how the metric is defined in its ScoreCard.

public double OutOfSamplePercent

Returns the out-of-sample percent that was established for the walk-forward optimization.

public WFOResultSelectorBase Selector

Contains the instance of the WFOResultSelectorBase object that will be used to determine which is the "best" optimization run out of the entire set of runs for a particular interval.

public List<WFOResult> WFOResults

Returns a list of WFOResult instances that represent the best results for each Interval of the walk-forward optimization.

public WFOWindowTypes WindowType

Returns the window type established for the walk-forward optimization. The WFOWindowTypes enum has the following possible values:

  • Expanding
  • Sliding