Search Framework:
Namespace: WealthLab.Core

MarketManager is a static utility class that manages information about markets and symbols in WealthLab. It contains a list of MarketDetail instances in the Markets property. This contains information about the various markets such as US stocks, Forex, or Cryptocurrencies. It also contains a list of SymbolInfo instances in the Symbols property that contain information about symbols, such as their associated market, margin, and point values.

The MarketManager is intended to be used primarily by developers of custom Historical Data Provider adapters. These adapters may need to install new markets (MarketDetail instances) into the MarketManager, or new symbols (SymbolInfo instances).

Static Members
public static MarketDetails AddMarket(MarketDetails md)

Data Provider authors can call this method to install their custom markets (expressed as instances of the MarketDetails class) into the platform.

public static SymbolInfo AddSymbol(SymbolInfo si)

Data Provider authors can call this method to install symbol specific information into the platform. For example, to associate a symbol with a specific market, or specify its default number of decimal positions.

public static MarketDetails Currencies

Returns the MarketDetails instance that represents the currencies Forex market.

public static MarketDetails FindMarket(string name)

Searches for a market by name, and returns the resulting MarketDetails instance, or null if not found.

public static SymbolInfo FindSymbol(string symbol)

Searches for a specific symbol and returns the matching SymbolInfo instance, or null if not found.

public static List<string> HolidaySetNames

Returns a list of all of the Holiday Sets installed on the platform. A Holiday Set is a named collection of DateTimes that contain all of the holiday dates for a particular market.

public static Dictionary<string, List<DateTime>> HolidaySets

Returns a dictionary of Holiday Sets keyed by name. A Holiday Set is a list of DateTimes that represent the holiday dates for a particular market.

public static List<MarketDetails> Markets

Returns a list containing instances of all of the markets (expressed as instances of the MarketDetails class) installed on the system.

public static List<DateTime> RegisterHolidaySet(string holidaySetName, string holidays)

Data Provider authors can use this method to install a new Holiday Set into the platform. A Holiday Set is a named collection of DateTimes that represents the holiday dates for a particular market.

public static List<SymbolInfo> Symbols

Returns a list of SymbolInfo instances that represents the symbol-specific information installed on the system.

public static MarketDetails UsaStocks

Returns the MarketDetails instance that represents the US stock market.