 ( 5.78% )
- ago
The Schwab extension is available now. We hadn't planned on releasing the "Individual App", but due to the onboarding run-around we're getting for the Commercial App, we've made this available now as a beta release.

You can install the extension now, but before you can use it as the "Individual App", you'll need to create an App Key that may take a couple days to be approved. Follow the instructions on the Schwab detail's page.

Report your experience and findings here!
32 Replies



- ago
Cone, thanks for the update and instructions.

I registered with Schwab's developer portal per the instructions given on the Schwab extension page. However, after creating the Schwab developer account, I found you also need to request Trader API Individual access in the Schwab developer portal. So, it seems a user also needs to do the following before being allowed to create an App in the Schwab developer portal...

After login to the Schwab developer portal, click the API Products link. Scroll down to Trader API - Individual box and click it. Click on Request Access and follow any prompts. You'll have to wait for approval for access. You can check access approval by going to the Developer portal dashboard (use link, upper right) and the click the subscriptions tab. I found the subscriptions tab may show nothing, sometimes. So, if it doesn't show anything then refresh the page or go home and then back through the dashboard link.

After getting access, I suppose you can then create an App per the Schwab extension's instructions.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Thanks. I'll update that on the instructions.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Let's put this up at the top for a few days.
To get started, all interested need to get that Trader API Individual access - now updated in the Schwab instructions.
- ago
Also, there is this helpful link at the Schwab developer site. The page does not require a developer account to view:
- ago
I have entered the App and Secret Keys in WL, but can't log into Schwab. It generates the following error:

I am not sure if this is related to the Status shown on my Schwab account dashboard page. Maybe I should wait for it to change to Ready for Use?

I have WebView2 on my computer.
- ago
My app status is still at Approved - Pending. I'm not sure, but perhaps it has to be at status "Ready for use". I didn't try access, yet.

There is a "Status" dropdown on the apps page, and you can see the 5 different status levels for an app.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Your approval is still "Pending".
Don't try until Status is "Ready for Use".
- ago
I was just reading on another site about using the Schwab API with Microsoft Excel. Unfortunately, mentioned in the instructions, it could take up to a month to get Schwab API app approval. :( I didn't post the link here, because I don't know if that would be appropriate per the WL8 crew.

Schwab has got to be kidding with this kind of service. I mean, afterall, API(s) were offered by TD Ameritrade, and if I remember correctly, you could get setup in very little time in comparison to Schwab.

This message is by no means a poke at our friends at Wealth-Lab. This is on Schwab.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Now y'all see what we've been dealing with.

We're still working the Commercial API App end of it, and if once we're onboarded, it will be a cinch for everyone. Meanwhile, the Individual App is the only way to get going sooner.
- ago
I emailed and asked them if they would please activate my app. They responded within a couple of hours:

There was no syncs yet this week there is a sync tonight that should put the app in ready to use status tomorrow. Let us know if you have any additional questions.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Long ago, I got that sync excuse too.. Could be true - I seem to remember they do it on Thursdays for some reason.
- ago
Ha! Didn't happen...

- ago
Didn't happen for me either. Just so you don't feel alone. Ha!
And my 14-day extension trial ticking away...
 ( 10.01% )
- ago
We can reset your extension trial when you’re finally approved by Schwab.
- ago
I am being ask for a callback URL. What do I put here?
- ago
Follow the instructions here:
- ago

Looking at the app registered for your email address (***), it was included in yesterday's overnight sync, and is showing the 'Ready for Use' status on our side, so you should now be able to authenticate you application.

The status displayed on the dashboard can sometimes take a bit longer to update, so if you are still seeing the "Approved - Pending" status here, you should be able to click on the "View Details" link and see the updated status on the App's details page.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
I noticed yesterday, only on Windows 10, that if you're using WL's dark theme, it will be hard to read Schwab's pages during the OAuth. You can get around that by temporarily switching to WL's light theme before starting the OAuth.

It's not an issue for Win 11 for some reason. For me the pages are theme-independent for Win 11.
- ago
+1 on extension working! Paul, hopefully you're up and running now too.
Data download seems really fast! (like much faster than I had seen with other data providers. Either that or everyone around the world is on vacation at the moment and no other poor sap is on the api platform on a fine August Saturday morning!)

Great work, and thanks again.
- ago
@bcdxxx - its working for me. And, I noticed data updates are extremely fast. But, occasionally the updates stall perhaps due to me getting sent to the "penalty box" - i.e. some quota limit exceeded, or its Saturday and they're doing system maintenance and its hit or miss.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Good to hear. You'll notice that order statuses and "Placed to Active" delay is much better (less) than it was at TDA too.

Although there was only a mention of a 120-per minute "order limit" when creating your Individual App, we left a 120-request-per minute throttler in place; a left-over from the TDA implementation.
- ago
Thanks for this extension! I can finally auto place all my advanced orders vs manually placing them every day since td's retirement, happiness is truly the little things in life like automating advanced orders from wealthlab haha
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Schwab Build 2 is ready with option support. See User Guide for examples.
Requires WL Build 97, so make sure to upgrade both.
- ago
Well, Schwab is a bummer. If you register with the WeallthLab info, you cannot use anything else with your account! Once the "commercial" integration is working, hopefully this won't be an issue.

from schwab:
"As for creating a new application, only one app is able to be created per user. There would not be a way to create/register additional applications. However, a single registered app is able to be used with all linked brokerage accounts that allow the API access during the Consent and Grant (CAG) process when authenticating."
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
you cannot use anything else with your account
Clarify that please. I think this is a misleading statement for 95% of WealthLab/Schwab customers.

I think you're saying that you just can't develop/add more apps on your own because this one takes the only slot available to retail customers, right?
- ago
Yes, that is correct. So, if you want to use multiple tools connected to your Schwab account, you cannot.

I did get mine connected and working! Thanks for getting this going even though Schwab is a PITA to deal with!
- ago
When the production version of the Schwab extension is released, will it still require key renewal every 7 days?
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
We don't have access to that information, because if we did, you'd already know the answer. My guess is, "probably".

But we've gone back and forth with Schwab about this commercial thing about a dozen times and they just keep pushing it off and now they're not even answering. For now, just count on the solution that's in place.
- ago
I can answer that one. Yes, for now Schwab's API (with commercial release) does require the key renewal every 7 days. That is a requirement their API team isn't happy with either, but currently required by Schwab's security
- ago
Too bad. Thank you.
 ( 5.78% )
- ago
Logging in once over the weekend isn't really that inconvenient. You don't have to wait for the 7 days to expire.
- ago
Oh. Good idea!


