- ago
I´m trying to build a strategy using RSI 2 and other rules in the Building Blocks Strategy and I´m facing some difficult.

Could you help building the Strategy following the rules below?:

Entry: Buy at Market in the Close of the candle that is above the SMA200 and the RSI 2 below 10

Exit: The Target is to Sell at the Highest High of the last 2 candles from the candle I entered in the trade. In this case, if the next candle didn´t hit the target (highest high of the last 2 candles), the Profit Target should move to the Highest High of the last 2 candles from this new one that didn´t hit the target and so on, until the price touches the target. In case of not hit the target after 7 candles, I should stop the trade in the close of the 7th candle.

Other Variation of Exit that I would like to analyse is:

Exit: The Target is to Sell at the Highest High of the last 2 candles from the candle I entered in the trade. In this case, if the next candle didn´t hit the target (highest high of the last 2 candles), the Profit Target should move to the Highest High of the last 2 candles from this new one that didn´t hit the target and so on, until the price touches the target. Place the Stop loss at the 130% of Fibonacci Projection (130% of the candle that generates the Entry).

I´ve spent more than 12 hours to try to build those exits, but with no success.

Thanks in advance.
2 Replies



 ( 12.53% )
- ago
This is probably the closest we can come in Building Blocks. Some PowerPack Entries, Exits, Conditions and Qualifiers used.

Best Answer
 ( 6.17% )
- ago
The blocks can take you pretty far, but for very custom logic consider using the Concierge Service instead of spending all that time... or at least post for help earlier! :)


