- ago
Good morning.

I hired a VPS server to run the Wealth-Lab.
However, when starting the program, the message is displayed:

System.InvalidOperationException: Could not determine your hardware token. Please contact us at www.wealth-lab.com.
at WealthLab7.MainController..ctor()
at WealthLab7.MainController.CreateInstance()
at WealthLab7.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1_0(Object unused)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

And I can't put my login and password.

How do I proceed?
38 Replies



- ago
Hi Tiago,

I can see that Wealth-Lab 7 works correctly for you on your physical hardware. However, running Wealth-Lab in a virtualized environment such as your VPS server may conflict with the software protection system. Because WL7 cannot determine the hardware parameters of your VPS server, it will not work there.

Please try a different VPS vendor because it may work there. For the record, what provider is this and what kind of virtualization they offer?
- ago
The VPS run host-passthrough kvm.
- ago
I also tried to run WL7 on a virtual server but got the same error message. I tried two different VPS vendors and also both Windows Server 2016 and 2019. Does anyone have useful hints or ideas to solve this issue?

Best Regards
- ago
Hi Matthias,

Could you give more information about the VPS servers?
- ago
I was going to run one WL7 copy on some kind of VPS/VDS too. I'll wait for more details on this topic then.
- ago
Should you decide, you're welcome to provide feedback though.
- ago
Hi Eugene,

thanks for your reply. What kind of information do you need exactly?

This is the server:

- ago
Matthias, not sure what's wrong with this configuration. Frankly, I have no clue how to troubleshoot this case.

But I can tell that other demo users and subscribers have success running WL7 installed at several hosters like 1+1, Azure or Amazon (for example) using several versions of Windows Server DataCenter. Maybe this helps you.
- ago
Hi Eugene,

I tried 1+1 / Ionos now and, I don't know the reason, but it works.

Best Regards
- ago
Matthias, I'm glad to see you're up and running again!
- ago
Sometimes this problem occurs if you install WLD on Virtual Machine, it means that your VM could not generate Unique Server ID.

for example how you can solve this problem if you are using Proxmox Hypervisor:

Simply edit following in your /etc/pve/qemu-server/{vmid}.conf :

smbios1:uuid={keep-current-id},manufacturer={Any Value},product={Any Value},serial=0

We set it for example to
- ago
Free trial of Wealth-Lab 7 is not allowed in any virtual machines, hypervisors, clouds (AWS, GCE etc). It's a prerogative of subscribers.
- ago
Hi, I have just bought a license. How can I start WL7 on a virtual machine now? Is still get the same error message "Could not determine your hardware token" right after start.
 ( 6.74% )
- ago
Try Help > Download your license
- ago
Thanks @Cone, I can start WL7 on a physical computer and there it's possible to download the license via Help > Download.
But how can I transfer the license to a WL7 that's running on a virtual machine? On the virtual machine each attempt to start WL7 ends up with "Could not determine your hardware token" and the startup hangs with a splash screen saying "Checking license ...".
- ago
Wealth-Lab cannot be activated on a device for which the hardware token could not be determined. That means it: the hardware parameters cannot be identified. You cannot transfer a license onto it. On the other hand, many WL7 subscribers use it in a virtualized environment (including various clouds) so it's a rare issue of your virtual machine which 'refuses' to identify itself.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
What kind of VM is this?
- ago
My VM runs on QNAP Virtualization Station.
- ago
If you need to run WL7 in a virtual machine right away please try out a software alternative. Subscribers successfully do this with software solutions from Oracle, MS etc.
- ago

I want to use a WL7 installation on a VPS.

When I start I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not determine your hardware token. Please contact us at www.wealth-lab.com.
at WealthLab7.MainController..ctor()
at WealthLab7.MainController.CreateInstance()
at WealthLab7.App.MapSingleton()
at WealthLab7.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1_0(Object unused)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

I am sure it worked (earlier releases?).

I have a premium licence, am I allowed to install an instance on several machines?
Would be very handy to have one instance for development on my PC and one for autotrading on the VPS.

Best ,
- ago
Simon, what kind of VPS are you installing WL7 in? The more details the better.

You can find an explanation in Post #16 above. We have this on our list of issues to resolve but may need more info.
- ago
Here are some System Infos. I replaced the Systemname with XXXXXXXX, but is a proper name. It looks like it is running on a KVM Hypervisor 2 (proxmox?). I am not sure the provider changed it but I remember they announced some changes in their infrastructure.

[Systemübersicht] Element   Wert    Betriebsystemname   Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter    Version   10.0.14393 Build 14393    Weitere Betriebsystembeschreibung    Nicht verfügbar    Betriebsystemhersteller   Microsoft Corporation    Systemname   XXXXXXXX    Systemhersteller   QEMU    Systemmodell   Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) Systemtyp   x64-basierter PC    System-SKU       Prozessor   Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz, 2200 MHz, 4 Kern(e), 4 logische(r) Prozessor(en)    BIOS-Version/-Datum   SeaBIOS rel-1.12.1-0-ga5cab58e9a3f-prebuilt.qemu.org, 01.04.2014    SMBIOS-Version   2.8    Version des eingebetteten Controllers   255.255    BIOS-Modus   Vorgängerversion    Plattformrolle   Desktop    Sicherer Startzustand   Nicht unterstützt    PCR7-Konfiguration   Nicht verfügbar    Windows-Verzeichnis   C:\Windows    Systemverzeichnis   C:\Windows\system32    Startgerät   \Device\HarddiskVolume1    Gebietsschema   Germany    Hardwareabstraktionsebene   Version = "10.0.14393.3297"    Benutzername   Nicht verfügbar    Zeitzone   Mitteleuropäische Zeit    Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM)   8,00 GB    Gesamter physischer Speicher   8,00 GB    Verfügbarer physischer Speicher   5,58 GB    Gesamter virtueller Speicher   9,25 GB    Verfügbarer virtueller Speicher   6,64 GB    Größe der Auslagerungsdatei   1,25 GB    Auslagerungsdatei   C:\pagefile.sys    Device Guard – virtualisierungsbasierte Sicherheit   Nicht aktiviert    Es wurde ein Hypervisor erkannt. Features, die für Hyper-V erforderlich sind, werden nicht angezeigt.   

Systemname XXXXXXXX
Systemhersteller QEMU
Systemmodell Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)

This is the provider: https://contabo.com/en/

Probably it is related to inandr's observation, but I cannot make changes on that level since it is a shared hosting plan.
- ago
Let's see if we can improve this.
- ago
@tfritzen @mlohmann @MichaHahn2 @tradersdelightsystems

Please give the latest build a try and see if it's remediated and you can activate it in your VPS.
- ago
Hi and thanks for the effort!

I got this message now, with an error code: Licensing Error, Code: 0x0001
- ago
Sorry to hear that. Your shared VPS "refuses" our effort to determine the hardware token. Unless you wish to upgrade your plan to have more control, we may be out of options. :/
- ago
No problem, if not I can switch to Ionos, like mentioned in this thread. Thanks.

Another question, maybe a bit offtopic to this discussion:
On how many machines can I run WL7 with one licence?
- ago
At your service. You can run WL7 on two devices simultaneously.
- ago

I have my V-Server at www.strato.de and also the 0x0001 error.
The following hardware configuration is displayed (xxxx = anonymized by myself)

Would it be helpful if I email the Geräte-ID to Wealthlab-support?

Gerätename xxxx
Prozessor Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS) 2.10 GHz (3 Prozessoren)
Installierter RAM 12,0 GB
Geräte-ID xxxx
Produkt-ID xxxx
Systemtyp 64-Bit-Betriebssystem, x64-basierter Prozessor
- ago
Would it be helpful if I email the Geräte-ID to Wealthlab-support?

Unfortunately no, it will not.

In your case, not only hardware parameters cannot be identified but your hypervisor isn't generating unique parameters for the virtual "hardware". We cannot do anything about it, you can trust us that we've tried the best (our virtual machine detection is strong). Among possible solutions are:

1. An example of a viable solution can be found in customer's Post #11. It's hypervisor specific but it may be possible to customize other hypervisors.

2. As an alternative, check out this topic for suggestions on compatible cloud service providers.
- ago
Thank you for your quick response!
It cannot be a solution that customers have to change the V-Server provider for a software.
Please provide exact information about which information must be provide by the V-Server provider. I will contact www.strato.de and ask for a statement or new configuration.
Thank you very much!
Best regards
- ago
Please provide exact information about which information must be provide by the V-Server provider.

Sorry, we will not give out any clue that discloses which hardware parameters are used by our protection system. For obvious reasons, this is protection domain so I appreciate your understanding. I've given you workarounds and insights, hope this helps.
- ago
Unfortunately it doesn't help me to have to change my V-Server provider for a software. In my opinion the software protection is too strict. If no information is given about the requirements the provider has to meet, then that cannot be a solution. Sorry for the open words.
- ago
This line of thinking is incorrect. The protection system tries various criteria and will fall back to alternatives if some factors cannot be determined. Failure of some parameter won't break the whole process. Your virtual machine refuses ANY identification using industry standard technqiues.
- ago
However, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Without the information, I am not able to tell the provider what to change.
- ago
After reading a number of messages, I didn’t fully understand the mechanics of the actions. The reason for the error? WL does not detect the hardware token?
- ago
Read Post #16 for the answer, posts #8 and 11 on steps to take. Nothing else to add to it.
- ago
Re: Post #11. We just learned that those using Proxmox as a hypervisor on their VPS can fix the issue by setting "nested virtualization" on the host machine (BIOS). You have to run your VM on dedicated hardware with full control of the environment.

"The issue gets solved when "nested virtualization" is set on the host machine (BIOS) . This allows setting the hypervisors PCI passthrough option together with the iommu flag for the virtual machine. With this flag set the physical DMA access is allowed for the guest. Which I assume prevented WL8 from detecting the unique hardware ID. No further PCI passthrough options have been necessary."
Best Answer


