- ago
I'm trying to use Yahoo's ^GSPC ticker to run a very long term backtest (this is their SPX price timeseries more or less).

Unfortunately on 1/3/1962 for 20 years until 4/16/1982, it is passing through $0 as the Open price even though the High/Low/Close appears fine.

I have my Strategy settings Basis Price to be based on "Market Close this Bar" so I'm wondering why this erroneous $0 Open price data is even affecting the backtest? (It's basically having me sell at Exit Price of $0 when running the backtest).

FWIW when running the backtest at Daily scale it ends up just reporting NaN as the Profit % eventhough it appears have the actual Entry/Exit dates of the trades correct. However, when I try to run the backtest at Weekly scale it ends up actually using $0 Open price as the Exit Price and posting -100% as the Profit %.

Any one have any ideas?
6 Replies



 ( 9.66% )
- ago
The "Market Close of this Bar" is only telling the backtester to use the closing price as the basis price for determining how many shares to size the position for a % of equity or fixed dollar position size. The actual simulated order occurs on the following bar at market open.
- ago
Thank you for that description of the underlying engine.

Is there a way for me to "fix" the bad Open price bars myself in the UI? Or would I basically have to upload a static dataset myself?
- ago
I figuerd out a good workaround by using the automated data cleaner in Data Manager by adding ^GSPC as the single ticker in a Dataset then cleaning based on the OHLC, spikes, etc.

Though in order to make use of this cleaned ^GSPC I had to specifically use this Dataset in Portfolio Backtest rather than just typing in ^GSPC in a Single Ticker backtest. Totally a reasonable workaround, just wasn't obvious to me to go the Portfolio Backtest route with the single ticker Dataset after a cleanup in Data Manager.

The Single Symbol backtest *does* work after the data cleanup but only at Date Scale=Daily. If I choose Data Scale=Weekly then it does not appear to use the cleaned data. If I do Data Scale=Weekly in the Portfolio Backtest with the single symbol Dataset then it works OK.
 ( 5.35% )
- ago
I know you're going for an extended backtest, but just for the exercise, you should compare results between "trading" an index like ^GSPC and using the actual tradable instrument - SPY. The results are likely to be worlds apart.
Best Answer
- ago
Yep. Understood. Mostly just using ^GSPC as a "SPY proxy" to serve as "psedo-Out of Sample" using older S&P500 prices since SPY only has history starting in the 1990's. But thanks for the heads up to be aware of it - for at least the past 7 or 8 years of trades, they appear to line up very closely when switching between SPY and ^GSPC for what I'm doing in this longer timeframe holding period stuff.
- ago
For stocks it's probably not $0 but rather a very small fraction (due to many splits) rounded for display.


