- ago
Workspace saves the timeframe for multiple charts, but not for C# Strategies. The Workspace needs to save the timeframes and parameters for each individual C# strategy instance as does WLD. My Worksheets have four instances of the same Strategies set to different Timeframes
12 Replies



- ago
Workspace does save the timeframe for multiple C# strategies. I have verified it by setting a different timeframe for 3 strategies and reopening the workspace.

For the first one the timeframe didn't stick at first, though. When I closed the window and added it back, saving the timeframe again, restoring the workspace worked with the timeframe for all 3 strategies set correctly.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
the first one the timeframe didn't stick at first, though.
That sounds like there's a problem then. We'll have to dig into it.
- ago
Added an issue to our bug tracker.
- ago
Rick, here's an update for you. The way it currently works is that the settings like scale are saved with the strategy itself - not the workspace. So if you wish to save the timeframes and parameters for strategy variations, you can click "Clone", choose a different scale for the cloned strategy, save it, and include it in your Workspace.
- ago
if you wish to save the timeframes and parameters for strategy variations, you can click "Clone", choose a different scale for the cloned strategy, save it, and include it in your Workspace.

Creating clones would mean having to update the clones separately each time the actual strategy changes... or do the clones stay synced with the original/main strategy code? I use workspaces all the time to backtest the same strategy across multiple timeframes, position sizes and/or datasets. Manually keeping the clones in sync, or creating new ones each time would be very inefficient.

Is this a temporary solution with plans to allow workspaces to store timeframe, position sizing, etc. for each open window in the workspace similar to WL6, in an upcoming release?
 ( 5.60% )
- ago
We will need to consider this. The trouble is, since these settings are all part of the strategy in WL7, whenever you close one of those windows you would get a warning to save your changes, because those settings are different than what is saved in the Strategy. The question is what should the strategy contain and what should the workspace contain? What if you change some of the strategy code in the editor? Would you expect that to be saved in a workspace too? Right now all of these settings are part of the strategy, maybe see if you can adapt to the clone idea? I know it’s a different paradigm from WL6 but it brings other benefits too.
- ago
What if you change some of the strategy code in the editor? Would you expect that to be saved in a workspace too?

If the user hits "save" on the strategy code after editing it, then it gets saved. If the workspace is reopened, the updated strategy gets pulled up. I see the Workspace as a "Collection" of strategy windows, with the ability to override the execution settings only (not the code) for each - i.e. Dataset, Timeframe, Position sizer, Scale.
The WL6 paradigm worked well in this context, I think. In fact, the only change I would have liked there was to also include the ability to override the Strategy Parameters in the workspace, in addition to the ones above.

Please consider. Thanks.

maybe see if you can adapt to the clone idea?

Are the clones literally just full copies of the original, with their code needing to be updated manually for them to retain their clone status? Or is there something more to a clone beyond the way it's created?
- ago

You are requesting a breaking change. It's surprising but I have found neither a trace of your evaluation nor active WL7 subscription. Don't you think that prior to requesting any functional changes you should have some hands on experience with WL7 which comes after a thorough evaluation?
- ago
I have given you my credit card and subscribed to the top WL7 level you offered even though it will take me a year to translate fifteen years of code written for WL6. I still have time left on the Fidelity program so you have not charged my credit card yet. You did accordingly activate my WL6 program - thank you, I used it every day and am adrift without it. I have been using Wealth-Lab since you started. I have over fifteen years experience with and have written thousands of lines of code for it. I've spent hours talking to Robert and Dion at the Trader's Expo conferences. I am one of your greatest fans. I have thirty years of programming experience and am trying to help you make the program better. You must be having a bad day today, but over the years you have been very helpful to me for which I thank you.
 ( 5.60% )
- ago
We appreciate the loyalty Rick and thanks for helping us to improve WL7! Regarding your elaboration on having the Workspace save the strategy settings, it sounds reasonable and I think we can work that into our backlog. I'd like to implement it in a way to avoid those nag dialogs whenever you close one of those windows, but I think it's doable.
- ago
I have found neither a trace of your evaluation nor active WL7 subscription

As you know I am a WL6 subscriber. With the limited trial period for WL7 that does not span the full remaining subscription period, I think it is advisable to make sure the features that are a "must-have" for my purposes (as already existing in WL6) are available in WL7 before starting the trial, so I can fully avail the trial period for solving my own conversion issues that will no doubt arise.
- ago
I will try the clone. Having developed a lot of software I understand work-arounds and priorities and very much appreciate all you suggestions.

I was thinking that the WL6 workspace worked pretty well. Optionally save the parameters and some setting like timeframes for each instance of the Strategy in a Workspace because the same Strategy code can be used to measure different things in different timeframes. So there would be one copy of the Strategy code to maintain, but it could be configured by saved parameters and settings in the Worksheet to do different jobs.


