- ago
This Strategy Evolver run stopped at generation 111:

* Apex Collection is enabled
* No Filter

Why does it stop?

I have the idea to let the Evolver run all night (or all week) and collect whatever it finds worthwhile.

This means if there is any terminating condition like
* no more improvement (local maximum found in strategy space)
* too many similar strategies (avoid further inbreeding)
* no results for too many runs (filter too strict)
* etc.

it should collect the best strategies in its apex collection and restart.

Never stop!
(Unless it runs out of memory, disk space or power...)
10 Replies



 ( 13.16% )
- ago
I'm not sure, but it seems to only happen with PowerGenes installed.
- ago
This happened to me and it quit happening when I uninstalled Powergenes.
- ago
So let me restate the initial question:

Why would Strategy Evolver stop with Power Genes installed?

There is a Gene API. Users can create their own Genes. It is quite possible that some Genes behave nasty. Or they use bad indicators. Or they use external symbols that cause trouble. Or a combination of the above....

All these things may happen with or without Power Genes installed.

This may result in
* Exceptions thrown at various stages when the Evolver chooses to use such a Gene
* Bad strategy behavior: No trades, Other invalid results.

I think in all these cases the Strategy Evolver should:
1.) produce a meaningful Error message (possibly with call stacks) in its own log or in Log Viewer that enables a user to identify (and avoid) the offensive gene
2.) ignore the bad strategy
3.) keep on running

Keep on running
- ago
I agree, I had to go through and disable specific power genes and powerweight in order for it to continue and minimize errors. I wish it would just skip those specific strategies the error occured kn and keep running and just log the errors too.
 ( 13.16% )
- ago
I'll need to spend some time w/Power Genes identifying why it's stopping and then allow it to continue!
- ago
Had the same issue with WL Build 53, the Evolver kept stopping. After I downgraded finantic.indicators from B4 to B3, the Evolver ran again without interruption. In addition, the laptop-fan was not as loud with finantic.indicators 3 as it was with finantic.indicators 4...

Strategy 62 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 517 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 517 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 1037 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 1037 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 1347 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 1829 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 1845 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 2099 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.. Strategy 2423 Exception: Strategy Compile failed. Exception: String '-999999999' was not recognized as a valid Boolean..
- ago
Build 58 I was not having any issues with it stopping even with all finatic extensions running, even powerweight. It started stopping again after upgrading to build 60, it does keep telling me powerwirgbt should only be applied to entry and not exits. So for some reason the evolver is trying to add powerwiggt block to exits. However it's also stopping without power weight active as well, so something with build 60 gets it randomly stopping once again.
- ago
I looked in the log from the strategy evolver and saw also logs I could not unterstand (WL Build 60)

 ( 13.16% )
- ago
Are you using finantic.ScoreCard or any other finantic extensions? It could be some incompatibility there.
- ago
I use the finantic optimizer


