- ago
I see the orders appear in Order Manager, however when the next bar rolls around they disappear. It would be nice of have a log of all the orders.
12 Replies



- ago
Is Auto-Remove activated for Canceled or Completed orders?
- ago
How do I know whether it is activated or not, and how do I change it. It appears as an inactive grey box. What is the default ?

 ( 6.78% )
- ago
It appears as an inactive grey box. What is the default ?
Inactive grey is the default. It's "Active blue" (might depend on Windows theme) when enabled. All toggle buttons work this way.

For now, the Orders Mgr "auto declutters" and only leaves Canceled orders for one bar. Personally, I like this. If you don't want to see the Cancel even for that bar, you can enable Auto-Remove: Canceled.

Is the idea that you want to see all the Canceled orders for the entire day?
- ago
The "Auto-Remove:" button is inactive, so I can't toggle it. That was the first thing I tried.

I am not concerned with cancelled orders.

Executed and staged orders should not disappear when the next bar occurs.

So what do I do to keep the executed and staged orders ?

 ( 6.78% )
- ago
The "Auto-Remove:" button is inactive, so I can't toggle it. That was the first thing I tried.
"Auto-Remove:" is not a button, it's a label. You can toggle the buttons to the right of the label - [Canceled] [All Completed]

Since it's the only text in that line that is NOT a button, we can discuss changing it. Buttons with a lot of text like [Auto Remove Canceled] and [Auto Remove All Completed] are not my first choice!

Executed and staged orders should not disappear when the next bar occurs.
I can appreciate that you prefer that, but I don't prefer it because if you're trading 100 symbols, the list becomes unmanageable in the first 2 minutes of trading.

So what do I do to keep the executed and staged orders ?
Staged orders for the same instrument, scale, script, etc. are replaced by subsequent Staged orders. I can't think any reason to continue seeing old staged orders (remember users are filling the Order Mgr with hundreds of orders every minute) but if you want a record of a script's signals, you can easily create that record yourself by automatically writing to a disk file.

Executions/Filled orders -
Given that WL7 doesn't have an Accounts tool yet (vote for it), I can appreciate leaving fills in the list, but that's only a stop-gap measure. It's not the right place to get an overview of your account. Until an Accounts tool is added, I'd recommend keeping your broker's app open for this information.

- ago
Since it's the only text in that line that is NOT a button, we can discuss changing it.

Agreed. It might be a minimally invasive change along these lines:

 ( 6.78% )
- ago
I thought check boxes would work too, but with the label -

Auto-Remove: [x] Canceled [x] Completed
- ago
It is not clear to me what you are proposing, but any means to keep the orders for the day would be acceptable. Maybe buttons such as:

< > Keep filled orders
< > Keep cancelled orders
< > Keep all orders
< > Clear log
- ago
I have the exact same issue. Orders show up in Order Manager but they disappear the next minute. Many times, I'm away from the computer then I wouldn't know whether order went through or not. I would also prefer an user option to keep filled orders or clear orders as needed. I agree someone trading 100 symbols frequently wouldn't want to see so many orders. But for someone like me who are happy trading 1-2 symbols would want to see conveniently if orders are successfully placed.

I see this thread hasn't been updated in 6 months. Please add this as a new feature request.
 ( 13.73% )
- ago
They disappear to reduce clutter. We didn't want to have hundreds of canceled orders sitting there for strategies that are operating on a one minute basis. Obviously this is catching people off guard so we need to rethink this feature.
- ago
I just wanted to chime in and say that I'm in the exact same position as andyrust and pepeters. I'm only trading a couple symbols, and I wanted to have some sort of visible log or record of trades that had occurred while I was away from my computer. I was actually quite confused that successfully executed orders were automatically disappearing, as I thought my strategy wasn't even working for the longest time.

I don't think that any of us that are asking about this functionality are really concerned about seeing cancelled orders. I do understand the concern about clutter for traders with hundreds of symbols, though. Maybe it's something that could be resolved with an optional checkbox in the WL7 preferences, if we want to stop WL7 from automatically decluttering the Order Manager history for us.
- ago
Marked this topic as #FeatureRequest.


