- ago
Congrats Glitch and Team on delivering WL8 so expeditiously !

I am testing some meta-strategies after the one-time conversion from WL7. The individual strategies inside remain all loading data, with no progress. Anything I need to do differently here? Thank you
13 Replies



- ago
Check your Data Manager Settings.

Tools > Data Manager > Historical Providers

I had the same problem and after reactivating my provider, everything worked fine.
 ( 3.90% )
- ago
Double check your checked Historical Providers in the Data Manager to make sure there's one that works for your symbols. If that's not it, please let us know what data interval and historical provider(s) you're using.
- ago
Using Yahoo Finance.
Data Manager shows all stock and indices updated through yesterday.

There are 2 issues from what I can tell:
1 - datasets need to be rebuilt (or cut/paste all symbols) to properly have all symbols updated - as per alpha70 indication. Strategies then load data correctly
2 - meta-strategies get stuck selectively with individual symbols . The strategies inside of meta, run individually however run well with all symbols.

An example is symbol XBI. I have deleted it from the dataset and WL8 Yahoo data directory, then added back as new symbol in WL8. Strategy (A) loads XBI data well. Then same strategy inside a meta-strategy shows "Need to Load Data" during execution with no further progress.

If I remove Strategy (A) from meta strategy, then meta strategy completes its run with the other strategies and symbols.

I have tried setting up a new meta with just Strategy (A) and XBI - not working either.

Thanks for any help here
- ago
I can reproduce the issue with XBI being either part of a DataSet (say Yahoo's) or not. If I change it to AAPL it works. We need to take a closer look.
 ( 3.90% )
- ago
I was able to duplicate this, but oddly, only with XBI so far!

Edit - And I just saw Eugene's comment.
 ( 3.90% )
- ago
I see why it happened for me in single symbol mode. WL8's Data Valet was using the last-selected DataSet, which was the Wealth-Data Nasdaq 100 historical DataSet, and it doesn't return any bars because XBI was never in the N100.

Just to make sure we're getting all the failure conditions...
What DataSet (name and Provider) is XBI a part of when it doesn't load in DataSet test mode?
- ago
I run a meta-strategy with one of the strategies (A) using single symbol XBI. data is updated from Yahoo finance. XBI is part of a dataset I have with 15 symbols in this dataset.

Repeating an earlier comment; strategy (A) runs well with XBI and any other symbol in single symbol mode. However it does not when run as part of a meta-strategy. In my case there appears to be a link between meta-strategy and XBI (and other troubled symbols EXS1.DE EXW1.DE). All work well as meta- under WL7 (ie no code or data changes made)
 ( 3.90% )
- ago
data is updated from Yahoo finance.
You actually can't tell where the Data is coming from in a MetaStrategy unless you're using a linked DataSet - and even then you still can't be 100% sure.

We fixed the Symbol mode case I described, but the conditions of your DataSet case are not clear. Please answer these questions for me -

1 . Is the DataSet that you're using in the MetaStrategy and contains XBI linked to Yahoo! Finance? Another provider link? No link?

2. What are the top 3 Daily Historical Providers you have checked in the Data Manager, and what is the order.
- ago
1. I use a single symbol (XBI) in strategy(A) of metastrategy. the symbol is referenced (only) and update as part of my dataset with 15 symbols
2. Only have one historical data provider - Yahoo finance
 ( 6.01% )
- ago
Let's try it again once Build 2 is released, I fixed the issue that was causing XBI to fail.
Best Answer
 ( 3.90% )
- ago
Build 2 is ready. Please install and lets us know if your case is fixed.
- ago
The meta-strategy is working well - XBI issue resolved. Thank you all so much :)

 ( 6.01% )
- ago
Thanks for letting us know!


