- ago
Hello fellows!

I need ideas for improving my hardware performance when running WL in order to have faster results specially from backtesting and optimization. I am using a gamer notebook with a decent Ryzen 5 4000 series procesor, graphics Geforce GTX, 16 Gb 3200 MHz DDR4 RAM and a 1.25 Tb SSD, everything under Windows 11.

Is there a way to tweak Windows or redirect resources to prioritize WL proceses?
8 Replies



 ( 22.69% )
- ago
Since you're asking about this, 16Gb is the absolute minimum these days and may not even be enough for types of backtests and optimizations that you're doing (of which we have no idea, so just guessing).

Tinkering with priority and affinity is probably not going to make any significant or even noticeable difference.

What will make a big difference immediately is reducing the number of bars, optimization variables, range, and/or step sizes. Also, the type of optimizer itself makes a big difference - see finantic's solutions.
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Yes, I recently bought a 64gig laptop and would never look back!
- ago

Now I am backtesting a minute based, one symbol, 3 variables, Ichimoku strategy, during a 10 years period. Note that fisical memory usage is 59% and use of procesor is 15%, so I have unused resources while the process appears frozen and takes too long. This is what I'd like to solve tunning Windows in order to allow more resources to WL8.
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
What is crashpad_handler.exe? The plain fact is, running a 10 year backtest on one minute data is going to be time consuming, and the stage of updating the visualizers will be exceptionally intensive and since it needs to use the UI thread could cause the process to appear locked up until it's completed. Also, there's nothing more we can do to parallelize this process.

If it appears the post-backtest, visualizer updating phase, is causing the perceived issue, you can disable the visualizers in Backtest Settings and slowly add them back one by one until you reach a good compromise level. You'll be able to tell because the spinning wheel will stop spinning after the backtest proper is complete and the visualizers are updating.
Best Answer
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
I did some searches on crashpad_handler.exe with mixed results, but you might want to be aware here:

- ago
Thank you Glitch!!

I will do as your advice. Also thank you for signaling at crashpad_handle.exe, this is a polemic file from Google Drive suite. It has been causing doubt and worry around the world so I decided to uninstal the whole suite. It's always good to review our own security situation and in front of any doubt staying on the safe side.
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Yes I did see it was mentioned as part of google drive in some sites, just thought it was strange it was attached to the wl8 process like that.
- ago
Indeed, it is strange. I will be monitoring the system for some time.


