- ago
Another newbie question, when looking at the subscription page to try to choose a subscription plan, underneath all three plans it says: Third party data charges not included. What is third party data, and how much might those charges be? I guess really i am asking if a new user like me is likely to need any "Third party data". Thanks in advance for the clarification.
5 Replies



 ( 6.47% )
- ago
Some providers like IQFeed for example charge varying prices for their data. You’ll need to check the web page of the desired provider for details.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
There's some info on typical data costs in this article:
All About WealthLab Intraday and Realtime Data Providers
- ago
Thank you both. I read all of the material on that post about data providers and I’m still confused about what I need. I’m a total novice in this arena. But I get a sense that if I only want to test my system with end of day data that I don’t need to buy any third party data service. Is that true? And does the free data available through WL still need any extension?

Thanks. Sorry if I make myself look dense, but i would rather look stupid by asking questions than prove I am stupid by not asking. 😂

PS I see TD Ameritrade on the list of data providers but all of my TD accounts got transferred to Schwab. Does that mean that Schwab will be on that list now?
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
There are many free EOD providers. If you're trading large caps and ETFs, Wealth-Data is all you need. If you back it up with Q-Data, you'll have complete EOD coverage for the U.S. Market. No extensions required.

When we get approved for access to the Schwab API, we'll very quickly have a Schwab extension. You'll be able to get free intraday and streaming with that - and Auto-Trade - when it's available. (Extension required.)

As a newbie, start with the Wealth-Lab University playlist on our https://www.youtube.com/@wealthlab channel.
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks again Cone. I appreciate all of that. I’m watching the first video of the Wealth-Lab University now.


