- ago
My strategy placed a Limit Buy for the symbol KOSS, which resulted in a "TD Order Status = REJECTED". Is there any way I can find out more information on what caused this?

8 Replies



- ago
I am also getting "TD Order Status = REJECTED" for Sell orders being placed by my strategy. I really could use assistance in troubleshooting the reason for this error.
 ( 5.60% )
- ago
Would you like to set up a Zoom call with Cone to help troubleshoot? Send us an email to support@wealth-lab.com and we can set one up.
- ago
Thank you for the offer, hopefully that won't be necessary in the end. I would hate to waste developer time if I'm simply doing something incorrectly. My strategy places both a limit-sell and a stop-loss sell, is this supported by the TD Ameritrade extension? It worked in Alpaca, but after doing some research tonight, it seems that it might not work here.

Is there any additional information that the WL7 client can provide other than just "REJECTED"?

I will attempt some more alternatives during trading hours tomorrow. But if I can't make any progress, I will follow up with an email to support.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
strategy places both a limit-sell and a stop-loss sell, is this supported by the TD Ameritrade extension?

Is there any additional information that the WL7 client can provide other than just "REJECTED"?
REJECTED is the order status response from TD, which indicates no error in sending the order but that is was rejected for some reason.

I don't see any obvious explanation here, but I'll check it later today.

I'm noticing for the first time that "Buy Quantities" are being displayed with a $ format symbol, which doesn't look right but shouldn't cause a problem (display only).
 ( 5.60% )
- ago
It’s as designed when you use a position size basis of Next Bar Market Open.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Forgot about that! Thanks Glitch.

I'll look at the TD Orders now. Maybe the Basis selection has something to do with the error, intermittently. I can't think of a reason you'd use that selection for trading stocks intraday, is there one?

Incidentally, if you see the error again, check ThinkOrSwim for more order information.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
I can duplicate one case of a REJECTED order. The reason is due to "This order may result in an oversold/overbought position in your account. Please check your position quantity and/or open orders."

What's happening is that the first set of OCO linked orders goes in fine. You can see the result in ThinkOrSwim -

The problem comes if you cancel and replace those orders with new prices. The orders aren't going in as OCO, so it's getting separate Stop and Limit exits for the same shares. We'll have to see why that's happening and adjust.
- ago
Thank you, Cone, I think we're on the right track here. I do have "Use OCO" checked in my preferences, and my strategy does frequently cancel and replace orders with updated prices.


