- ago
Hi folks,
I was hoping start implementing my strategy using TD Ameritrade streaming data, but it looks like the API is no longer available (functionality for existing users will persist for the moment). The site has been disabled since Ameritrade and Schwab are merging (or already have). Is there a workaround for new users? Thanks!
20 Replies



 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Nothing is available for the Schwab API yet. Even it were, accounts would have to be migrated to use it. It's a transition period that looks like it will take several months.

Info page:
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks, Cone,
Seems like a poor choice on Schab's part to disable a working service prior to making the next one available.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
It still works for anyone that already had a Dev account Consumer key. We can't know why they cut off new sign ups except that it's the first stage of the transition.
- ago
"New user registration for the TD Ameritrade API has been disabled in preparation for the Charles Schwab integration."

Could you please provide an ETA and any useful information regarding the TDA Broker Connection.

I cannot use, where TDA is no longer allowing new registrations. Do we anticipate a week, a month, or a year? May be beneficial to your users to denote and notify that next to the extension, where it can be disappointing to users attain and not be able to utilize for an unknown amount of time.

 ( 3.87% )
- ago
We don't have any more information than what's available here:

As soon as the new endpoints and documentation are available, we're on it.
- ago
We're not affiliated with TDA, @mrjonj. Appended your duplicate new topic to this one.
- ago
Thanks for pinning my query to this topic and for the information.

I understand and know you are not affiliated with TDA. But I'm not sure I understand why your selling a extension that you know doesn't work and will not work for a unknown amount of time, and have know so for over three weeks.
- ago
We're sorry it does not meet your expectations but there's appreciable difference between "doesn't work" (for new accounts only) and "functionality for existing users will persist for the moment".
- ago

I guess I needed consider the appreciable differences on me being a new customer.

I'm sorry to have taken your time.
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
I think we’re going to pull the TD extension from our Extensions page to avoid confusion. Existing customers can always use the direct link if they need to download the extension again for any reason. Sorry for the confusion!
- ago
@mrjonj, No problem at all. This extension's been up for 2 years, having had 30 builds. It's sad for both parties to proclaim it defunct.
- ago
I was about to move one of my Fidelity accounts to TDA to auto-trade with API. Got an email notice from Schwab today about discontinuing TDA API in 2024 when account transitions are complete.

It sounds like there isn't a lot of info about Schab API. Do you know if they have one today or are they developing one from scratch for the sake of TDA customers?

I'm trying to assess how risky it will be to move my accounts to TDA now if auto-trading is the main reason I am moving them.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Here's the June 2023 update -

I still haven't received a migration message yet, so we can't sign up for the Schwab API access yet.
- ago
Thanks for this. Listed among the things that this document claims will be the "same" between the capabilities of the TDA API and the Schwab one is support for "option trading." I wonder if this is a misstatement. My understanding is TDA doesn't currently support option trading.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
You can trade options at TD right now. There's just no support for option data or chains.

Back to the Help (F1) you go > Extensions < TD Ameritrade
... assuming you had installed the TD extension
- ago
Got it. Thanks.

Does this mean I could use option data from IB to run my strategy but place trades at TDA using the TDA broker API? This assumes a required symbol conversion, e.g., from SPY230721C410 (IB) to SPY_072123C410 (TDA)
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
That would work, yes.

Also, synthetic options are coming in Build 38. If signals are based only on the underlying, you don't actually need the option data to trade the option. Instead, you can load a synthetic contract, assign the TD symbol to it and trade it.
- ago
That's good to know. In my case, I choose the specific strike from the option chain based on several factors, including Greeks. Hence my interest in recent new functionality with IB in this regard.
- ago
Per Post #11 above, the card was removed for TDA from the extensions page. So I don't see how to access the update log history. Are the updates to the extension just released the same as the ones for IB? If not, can you elaborate?
- ago
Just got a message from Schwab today that the account transfer scheduled for early Nov. is delayed - for at least 3 months. Guess the TDA API will be working at least that long.

They are reportedly removing their "transition hub" page, which is the central info spot for transition, from their website as well.

Here's the official info I received from the TDA AP support team last month in response to my inquiry:

Thank you for reaching out to the TD Ameritrade API Support Team.

The legacy TD Ameritrade endpoints will remain available until all account Transition Groups have been complete. Any users with accounts remaining at TD Ameritrade will still be able to utilize the Legacy Developer API until the account(s) has been migrated to Schwab.

The TD Ameritrade's Trader API will be drawn-down once all TD Ameritrade accounts have been successfully transitioned to Schwab, which is expected to occur sometime early 2024. (Once an account has migrated to Schwab, it will no longer be able to interact with the TD Ameritrade Legacy API.)

Keep in mind, no existing legacy TDA API external applications will not automatically be migrated over into the Schwab Trader API. If you wish to use the new Schwab Trader API, you will need to register for Schwab Developer Portal access (if you have not already done so).

Schwab access requests are currently being placed in a pending review status until closer to launch. While no applications have been approved quite yet, we are expecting Portal and API access to begin within the next few weeks.

You will receive an email when your access request is approved. You are also able to view the current status of your access request on the Developer Portal (https://developer.schwab.com). Once your access request has been approved, you would be able to begin integration and development work on your application.

<Still need to register for the Schwab Trader API?>

From the Schwab Developer Portal, you can create your Schwab Developer account, request access to the Trader API, and register your Schwab application. Schwab access requests will be placed in pending status for review until closer to launch. Once we have approved your access request, your integration into the Schwab Trader API can begin.

For more information about a specific application, please reach out to the Schwab API Support Team directly at:


*Please keep in mind that development of the Schwab Trader API is still ongoing. All dates/timeframes mentioned above are subject to change without notice.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Best regards,
Trader API Support


