- ago
With the Strategy Rankings tool, one can double click a row for Symbol Rankings that will bring up the strategy performing the rankings. However, when running that called up strategy, none of the metrics agree with those in the Symbol Rankings row. On very careful inspection (Yes, it took me 40-minutes to find the problem.), it turns out the Preferred Values setting for Symbol Rankings is not correctly copied into the called up strategy as expected. This explains the metrics discrepancy between the Ranking row and the called up strategy.
3 Replies



 ( 3.57% )
- ago
You're just saying that you think the "Use PV" box should be checked automatically if it was saved that way for the selected strategy.
Let's see what you think about these too:

1. Then, if you select it in Strategy Rankings, should it be saved with the Strategy when you close the Rankings window?

2. Should the Scale, Backtest Range, and Position Sizing at the top be changing with the selected Strategy too?

The thing is, the design is that these selections aren't married to the strategy. 50 people will prefer that the options to change with the Strategy, 50 others will not. Who's right?
- ago
Let's see what you think about these too:

No, no to both questions. Let's not over engineer the design; that's undesirable.

What I'm saying is when you double click a row in the Symbol Rankings and bring up the strategy that's generating those row rankings, those numbers should match what's in the Metrics Report (for that strategy)--nothing more. And if they don't, then it looks like WL is broken because the expectation is that they would match.

And the good news is that all the settings between both Symbol Rankings and strategy do match, as expected, except one (which is the PV setting).

Gee, I'm glad we got that clarified. Keep the design as simple and intuitive as possible.
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
That sounds reasonable to me.


