- ago

Isn't it possible to organise the community based on the structure of WL.

17 Replies



 ( 11.64% )
- ago
Anything is possible, it's a question of priority, community desire, balanced with limited development resources.
Best Answer
- ago
Organization of what community? Why should it adhere the WL's UI design guidelines?
- ago

If you want to search something about charts, there is a topic charts or data manager.

Same structure as the software.

Btw it's my last post in this community. Eugene, there are better ways to explain that my question was not clear.
- ago
Community is an association of people, that is why organizing say the Wealth-Lab community based on a screenshot sounded odd to me. It's clear now that you suggest an idea about revamping the structure of our website or Discussions (which is not synonymous with the word community).

Tagging your topic with #Website could've helped a bit (done) but anyway, renamed your topic to be comprehensible:

WAS: Organization of community
IS: Structure the website menu a la Wealth-Lab's Toolbar
 ( 6.07% )
- ago
I think Henk was suggesting Discussion categories.

We used to have categories, but now we have #Tags, and you can search for discussions by their #Tag.

It would be easy to expand the number of #Tags, one for each tool. Right now, we only have these to choose from -

Probably these would be useful too:
- ago
I believe any topic starter can type in a new tag.
 ( 6.07% )
- ago
If you can, even I don't see how to do it. 🤷‍♂️
- ago
Sorry I got it wrong. It's an admin-only feature which surfaces itself when you edit a title post.
- ago
So much information on the forum, discussion whatever you call it but so difficult to find it.
 ( 11.64% )
- ago
I don’t think we should be expending our resources to re invent the wheel of a full fledged community like Reddit or EliteTrader. There are other places to discuss non-WL related topics and we have a title search and a content search. Sure it could be better but we’d rather focus our efforts on WL8 proper.
- ago
Sorry i didn't explained it well. I don't care about the other forums. What i want to see is , i have a problem about strategy's. So i would like a topic "strategy" that i can click on and can see what other users asked. A structure that follows the setup of the software.

- ago
Please try to restructure you forum. I'm sure a lot of people will help you. I'm the first candidate.
- ago
Look, let's not bump your own posts as it's considered to be pushy. As already explained, you can already follow a tag, in this case the #Strategy tag, to browse tagged topics if it was assigned to them:


A lot of people have already been trying to "help" by (incorrectly) tagging their topics as #Strategy when all they wanted is to bring attention to an issue with a strategy running in the Strategy Monitor. Which means a little more effort to remove the tag from the topic.

So I don't believe in such help: 17 years of community interaction have taught me that whenever there's a choice to make (like should I make a forum post or submit a support ticket) it will most likely confuse the website user(s), sometimes leading them to the wrong option.

But if you think that someone is going after some restructuring manoeuvres to assign or reassign tags to thousands of existing topics, forget about it straight away.
- ago
A lot of people have ... been ... (incorrectly) tagging their topics as #Strategy when all they wanted is to bring attention to an issue with a strategy running
This is the real problem. Forum users misclassify their posts with the wrong tags. In the WL6 forum, there was a special section for strategies, but people would still post to the wrong sub-forum anyway. So it has been historically tried but failed.

Also, there's very few options trading strategies discussed. Most WL users are focused on trading strategies that emphasize timing the trade. Perhaps you can post some options strategies.
- ago
Ok. Case closed.
- ago
I'm still convinced that a forum following the structure of the software is the best. In that case you don't have to work with tags. KISS principle.
- ago
When users make tagging mistakes, it's often due to a lack of information. Many forums require guidelines to be followed. To streamline this, implementing a small text banner (or something else) with the following option can be a suggestion:

A list of correct tags for users to choose from or a dropdown list for easy tag selection.

This change offers two benefits:

It reduces the need to repeatedly address the same tagging issues with new users.
It empowers users to find answers more efficiently.

Implementing this may require some effort, but the benefits will make it worthwhile. What do you think?"


