- ago
Is it possible in WL to write a strategy that includes, for example, a calculation that checks whether the SPY is above its 50 day MA? The data set has about 20 symbols, but I don't want to trade any of them if the SPY price is below its 50 day SMA.

11 Replies



 ( 24.06% )
- ago
We can do that without breaking a sweat.
See the QuickRef example for GetHistory.

Actually, that example won't quite get you there.. let me expand on it here:

using WealthLab.Backtest; using System; using WealthLab.Core; using WealthLab.Indicators; using WealthLab.ChartWPF; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WealthScript1 {    public class MyStrategy : UserStrategyBase    {       //plot some market benchmarks along with the symbol being charted       public override void Initialize(BarHistory bars)       {          _spy = GetHistory(bars, "SPY");          PlotBarHistory(_spy, "SPYPane", Color.Silver);          _smaSpy = SMA.Series(_spy.Close, 50);          PlotIndicator(_smaSpy, default, default, default, "SPYPane");                 }       public override void Execute(BarHistory bars, int idx)       {          if (!HasOpenPosition(bars, PositionType.Long))          {             if (_spy.Close[idx] > _smaSpy[idx])             {                //code your buy conditions here             }          }          else          {             //code your sell conditions here          }       }       BarHistory _spy;       SMA _smaSpy;    } }

You can also do this in the Building Blocks by dragging the "Indicator Symbol" Qualifier on an "Indicator Compare to Indicator" Condition.
Best Answer
 ( 12.72% )
- ago
it’s also possible in Building Blocks via the External Symbol Qualifier.
- ago
That's amazing. Thanks very much.

- ago
I am not sure if the code is correct. When I add some simple buy and sell conditions, I get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" at the code line:

if (_spy.Close[idx] > _smaSpy[idx])

using WealthLab.Backtest; using System; using WealthLab.Core; using WealthLab.Indicators; using WealthLab.ChartWPF; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WealthScript1 {    public class MyStrategya : UserStrategyBase    {       //plot some market benchmarks along with the symbol being charted       public override void Initialize(BarHistory bars)       {          BarHistory _spy = GetHistory(bars, "SPY");          PlotBarHistory(_spy, "SPYPane", Color.Silver);          _smaSpy = SMA.Series(_spy.Close, 50);          PlotIndicator(_smaSpy, default, default, default, "SPYPane");          //new          indicator1 = new EMA(bars.Close, 2);          PlotIndicator(indicator1, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0));          indicator2 = new EMA(bars.Close, 5);          PlotIndicator(indicator2, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255));                       StartIndex = 5;       }       public override void Execute(BarHistory bars, int idx)       {          if (!HasOpenPosition(bars, PositionType.Long))          {             if (_spy.Close[idx] > _smaSpy[idx])             {                //code your buy conditions here                int index = idx;                Position foundPosition0 = FindOpenPosition(0);                bool condition0;                if (foundPosition0 == null)                {                   condition0 = false;                   {                      if (indicator1.CrossesOver(indicator2, index))                      {                         condition0 = true;                      }                   }                   if (condition0)                   {                      _transaction = PlaceTrade(bars, TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market, 0, 0, "Buy At Market (1)");                   }                }                                                             }          }          else          {             //code your sell conditions here             _transaction = PlaceTrade(bars, TransactionType.Sell, OrderType.Market, 0, 0, "Sell At Market (1)");             //         condition0 = false;             //         {             //            if (indicator12.CrossesUnder(indicator22, index))             //            {             //               condition0 = true;             //            }             //         }             //         if (condition0)             //         {             //            ClosePosition(foundPosition0, OrderType.Market, 0, "Sell At Market (1)");             //         }          }       }       BarHistory _spy;       SMA _smaSpy;       private IndicatorBase indicator1;       private IndicatorBase indicator2;       private IndicatorBase indicator12;       private IndicatorBase indicator22;                 private Transaction _transaction;                  } }

 ( 12.72% )
- ago
You declare a variable _spy in the private variables section at the bottom, good. But then you declare the same variable again in Initialize. So, by the time Execute comes around, the original _spy is still unassigned and thus null.

You need to change

BarHistory _spy =

in Initialize to simply

_spy =

to use the same variable you declare in the private variables area.
 ( 24.06% )
- ago
Sorry, that was my mistake for not running the code after creating it! (Corrected my example above.)
- ago
You declare a variable _spy in the private variables section at the bottom, good. But then you declare the same variable again in Initialize.
In other words, you declared two independent _spy variables, which is not what you want. You want one declaration that shares this variable between methods (Initialize and Execute).

Check your C# textbook for scoping rules with declarations for details so you get the big picture. But declare _spy once as a private variable outside the MyStrategy method blocks (such as Initialize), then just use that variable without including a BarHistory datatype declaration in the assignment within Initialize.

This is easy to understand, but only if you study the scoping rules in your C# textbook. The bits and pieces discussed in the forum won't explain why C# is designed this way, but the textbook will.
- ago
I just tried your corrected code, but still get the error at line 35:

if (_spy.Close[idx] > _smaSpy[idx]) Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

- ago
At least one error in your code is setting StartIndex = 5 when the SMA period is 50.
 ( 12.72% )
- ago
You problem is line 16. You are declaring a new copy of the _spy variable instead of using the one you declared at the bottom of the strategy.


BarHistory _spy = GetHistory(bars, "SPY");


_spy = GetHistory(bars, "SPY");
- ago
Thanks Glitch. Works fine now.



