Organizations such as Trading View, Fin Viz, Equity.today, Fin range, Finance Marker, Market cap have Al-screener service.
It would be great if the WL8 had its own Al-screener.
Here is an example of such Al-screener:

and also a link to it:
I ask you to vote adding your Al-screener to WL8.
Organizations such as Trading View, Fin Viz, Equity.today, Fin range, Finance Marker, Market cap have Al-screener service.
It would be great if the WL8 had its own Al-screener.
Here is an example of such Al-screener:
and also a link to it:
I ask you to vote adding your Al-screener to WL8.
Hi there,
Wealth-Lab currently has two screeners, each working very differently.
1. The Finviz-type one is accessible from the "Create a New DataSet" dialog > "Stock Scanner". It requests data from a 3rd party API.
2. The other kind of screener can be launched from Tools > "New Strategy Screener window". This one applies a strategy of your choice to the entire market, running on Wealth-Lab's servers. Click F1 for help and a video tutorial.
Wealth-Lab currently has two screeners, each working very differently.
1. The Finviz-type one is accessible from the "Create a New DataSet" dialog > "Stock Scanner". It requests data from a 3rd party API.
2. The other kind of screener can be launched from Tools > "New Strategy Screener window". This one applies a strategy of your choice to the entire market, running on Wealth-Lab's servers. Click F1 for help and a video tutorial.
Eugene, hi!
1. I do not see this option.

Please tell me more about this option.
2. This is not what I need.
1. I do not see this option.
Please tell me more about this option.
2. This is not what I need.
This one -
1. I do not see this option.
You're not seeing it because #1 is part of our DataExtensions package which you presumably don't have installed.
The other kind of screener can be launched from Tools > "New Strategy Screener window". This one applies a strategy of your choice to the entire market, running on Wealth-Lab's servers
For one of my strategies, I need to do a certain analysis on the daily bars based on my strategy, select, and then trade intraday on the selected stocks.
Do I understand correctly that I can do it with this screener? The question is how to make a dynamic dataset that will be fed into a strategy that trades intraday and updates daily?
Do I understand correctly that I can do it with this screener?
Sounds like it should do the selection on Daily scale. Whether it's possible or not, you may want to review the manual: Help > Screener.
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
2. The other kind of screener can be launched from Tools > "New Strategy Screener window". This one applies a strategy of your choice to the entire market, running on Wealth-Lab's servers. Click F1 for help and a video tutorial.
Is this approach only possible if one's strategy employs "canned" WL indicators? My strategies use a custom library of indicators. Can that custom library DLL be submitted to?
If not, I can do it the old fashion way like I do with the off-the-Chart bar as discussed in https://www.wealth-lab.com/Discussion/How-to-turn-a-strategy-into-a-screener-9356
Is this approach only possible if one's strategy employs "canned" WL indicators?
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