- ago
For the second day in a row, I had a buy signal at 4:00 PM (Eastern time). The order was placed in a pending state. Then at 4:15 PM, it generated multiple orders for the same position, simultaneously, until I ran out of settled cash, and the trade was rejected.

Fortunately, these multiple orders were not executed and since their order expiration is Day, their pending status will be cancelled before market open tomorrow. I cannot see evidence that WL generated these orders, but the error message appears to correspond with the final trade attempt today, meaning the Order Manager was still engaged, but not necessarily the source of these excess orders.

Prior to market open today, and before this latest event, I spoke to Tradier trading desk about Friday's identical behavior (different symbol). They looked into their backend and claimed they received the multiple orders; that their system could not generate these on its own.
7 Replies



 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Just to get this straight, all those orders appeared at Tradier, but there was only one order for it (them) in the Order Manager?
And the same scenario occurred twice in 2 days?

If you're able to see the timestamps when the orders were received at Tradier, what's the difference between the first and the last in the list? And how many total were there?
- ago
Just to get this straight, all those orders appeared at Tradier, but there was only one order for it (them) in the Order Manager?
And the same scenario occurred twice in 2 days?

Yes and yes. It was pure coincidence that I got a 4::00 signal two days in a row (4 symbols, 1 min data).
If you're able to see the timestamps when the orders were received at Tradier, what's the difference between the first and the last in the list? And how many total were there?

Tradier does not provide timestamps for the orders, at least on the Web interface. I don't remember how I figured it out last time, but they all appeared to be placed at 4:15 PM. (I don't think it showed seconds). Original trade was Pended at 4:00 PM. Maybe 20 trades, but is only limited by the amount of settled cash (I have limited margin IRA account) before the broker rejects one, and then it (not sure who "it" is) stops trying to place trades.
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
It's a lot to ask for, but I was hoping to see timestamps down to the msec, which might help identify the process that caused it. My feeling is that it's got to be an internet packet glitch that delivered the same message many times.
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Chat GPT gives a little credence to that idea -

"Internet packets can be delivered or received more than once in an erroneous manner. This phenomenon is known as packet duplication. It can occur due to various reasons such as network routing issues, retransmission mechanisms in protocols, or errors in network devices."

Reasons for Packet Duplication
1. Network Routing Issues:
Sometimes, due to network routing changes or issues, a packet might be duplicated and sent through multiple routes, arriving at the destination more than once.

2. Retransmission Mechanisms:
Protocols like TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) ensure reliable delivery by retransmitting packets if acknowledgments are not received within a certain timeframe. If the acknowledgment is delayed and the original packet is still in transit, retransmissions can lead to duplicates.

3. Network Device Errors:
Faulty network devices such as routers or switches might malfunction and duplicate packets.

Handling Packet Duplication
To handle packet duplication, protocols typically include mechanisms to detect and discard duplicate packets. For instance, TCP uses sequence numbers to keep track of packets, allowing the receiver to identify and ignore duplicates.
- ago
My feeling is that it's got to be an internet packet glitch that delivered the same message many times.

Happening twice in a row? What's the chances of that? I'm guessing it's repeatable if you make a trade at 4 PM with my setup.
- ago
This happened again today. 4 PM order to buy generated 47 duplicate orders for one position. It only stopped when I ran out of cash.


Signal Quantity Symbol "Security Name" "Order Type" "Order Price" Status "Fill Qty" "Fill Price" Timestamp Message

Buy 1 QQQ240808C00460000 Invesco QQQ Trust Market 0 Error 0 0 8/1/2024 13:00:12 InitialMargin

 ( 13.73% )
- ago
Can you email us the strategy so we can troubleshoot? Send it directly to me at dion@wealth-lab.com, thanks!


