I want to calculate market condition (bull or bear), and save it as a symbol so I can share it with all of my strategies. How can I do it ? or is there a better way to do it ?
- Save as a BarHistory (QX).
- Save to an Indicator file (QXI).
- Don't save, use WL's global memory (*Global methods).
- Save to an Indicator file (QXI).
- Don't save, use WL's global memory (*Global methods).
I want to calculate market condition (bull or bear)
I would pick a metric out of the IndexLab extension (e.g. the McCellan Oscillator, which has the indicator destination: CompMcClellan), which depicts the market condition you're most interested in, then employ that indicator destination in your strategies.
The documentation for IndexLab will not show up until you install the extension. Once installed, you can read about how it works. It does cache the indexes you're using on disk for faster operation.
You have to option to program your own indicator with it, but I would use one of the ready made ones to start out with.
The standard solution is to just create a custom indicator, just like our MarketState indicator.
Any documents or examples for these ? what do they (QX, QXI etc, and MarketState) mean ?
I want to calculate broad market strength which values are from 1 to 100, and save them as TimeSeries, Indicator or Quote in one strategy (or something in WL), so I can retrieve the data for all my other strategies. Can you provide me a sample code or a link to online document ?
I want to calculate broad market strength which values are from 1 to 100, and save them as TimeSeries, Indicator or Quote in one strategy (or something in WL), so I can retrieve the data for all my other strategies. Can you provide me a sample code or a link to online document ?
Forget about QX, they're binary data files.
MarketState is an Indicator.
Search for it in the Indicators section and click on it for a Description.
The suggested idea is to "share" the market condition is to create an indicator for it. Use MarketState or create your own Custom Indicator for "market condition". Then all the strategies can use the same indicator.
MarketState is an Indicator.
Search for it in the Indicators section and click on it for a Description.
The suggested idea is to "share" the market condition is to create an indicator for it. Use MarketState or create your own Custom Indicator for "market condition". Then all the strategies can use the same indicator.
Cone, Thank you .
I can't find any place I can create a custom indicator, can you please show me an example or a link to document ?
I can't find any place I can create a custom indicator, can you please show me an example or a link to document ?
You can use the indicator builder via menu Tools -> New Custom Indicator (C#).
That'll bring up the Indicator Builder window. There are three samples from which you can learn - see the top of the window and you'll see samples ATR, RSI and SMA. For additional information click the ? mark in the upper right of the indicator builder window to bring up the help.
That'll bring up the Indicator Builder window. There are three samples from which you can learn - see the top of the window and you'll see samples ATR, RSI and SMA. For additional information click the ? mark in the upper right of the indicator builder window to bring up the help.
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