- ago

I have done an extensive documentation of attempting to get Autotrading through dropping a strategy on a streaming chart, which will post later.

Then called a friend who introduced WL to, who has got it to work via Alpaca paper account and we Teamviewer connected to help me get it going. He had gone another route. Open Order Manager and then drop Strategy on that, and turn on. So, he did the same on my PC and it does seem to be working. However no orders yet. Then I see that it does not have the right data in it, it has just SPY. I in that Strategy have a list of about 10 stocks so much more likely to get an order. I am doing this with real money so have set to AutoStage,

1. Does this screen look like it is working?
2. How do I get it to pay attention to the selected data list, instead of just SPY?
3. The strategy screen on Order Manager does not show streaming chart, just historical. I would prefer to be able to backtest and see live trading chart on same window/chart, is that possible?


14 Replies



- ago
1. See "Next Run" column. It looks like the 15-min strategy is set to run in 15 minutes. Even by this it can be concluded that the SM is streaming.
2. Double click on the strategy entry in the SM and set it to a DataSet instead of SPY.
3. Yes, if you drop a Strategy to a chart window and enable Streaming.
- ago
I notice that at bottom of prior screen image and still so below it talks about Alpaca Stream, I have not told it Alpaca. Note it is IB and working on this screen.

- ago
I notice that at bottom of prior screen image and still so below it talks about Alpaca Stream

Don't confuse this error message with "Streaming". It's the latest error for your attention, for the entire roster check out Tools > Log Viewer.
- ago
Eugene, Thanks.

When I click on SPY I get list without other data. If I click on header it toggles up or down arrow, do you know what that means?

 ( 9.88% )
- ago
It means you can sort the items in that column.
- ago
OK think solved.

I opened a 2nd (the same strategy) and think dropped on Order manager. Somehow that strategy had got SPY as data, my guess is it was because I had tested streaming on Data Manager with SPY. So I switched data to my list, and bingo got 2 lines, 2nd one being with right data. So I deactivated the SPY one and activated the list one. Here it is.

- ago
OK I Got rid of first line in Strategy Monitor, which had a video play like button at start. I do have the 2nd (remaining line) activated. I have two of the exact same Strategy windows up. The video forward arrow thing is no longer there?

It says Idle, is that fine waiting for next signal?

Can I watch a live streaming chart on a Strategy window? What want is to see the chart painting, be able to change the symbol, and to go back and see prior signals, buys and sells just as in backtest. Looking at demo videos seems that can be done. But when I scroll back there are no trades at all in the charts?

It would be very good to do that, look at a staged order and decide naw, do not want that one.

- ago
Glitch, duh yes, since only one thing did not think of sorting.
- ago
OK pretty much a success.

So I expected MGY to trigger as it is a crossover signal, and sure enough at 1:15 got a siren sound and could not see where to make it an order. Then minimized Order Manager think it was, saw pulsing and opened it and told it to send order and immediate fill at right share count/$s amount.

So now I want it to manage that trade so moved it to AutoPlace. That added an icon to line. It looks like it is now all setup unless anyone sees anything wrong in my screen shots. Prior questions about a single screen with both prior signals and live streaming chart do remain.

I cannot see the order on the chart. The two open strategy windows are frozen with older data, about 30 mins behind in below screenshot. When writing this siren went off, was good, was same stock MGY getting a stop order placed not executed.

So would love to see a streaming chart and past signals, seems that was case in videos, what do I need to do?

 ( 5.11% )
- ago
You can trade with the Streaming chart instead of the Strategy Monitor. It's covered exactly how to do it in the User Guide > Chart > Streaming, and, there's a full video demonstration linked.

And please, review Preferences > Trading and hit F1 to read the User Guide about each of the options there. There are many options and it's important that you set things up properly for your situation.
- ago
So would love to see a streaming chart and past signals, seems that was case in videos, what do I need to do?

Perhaps study what Cone has already pointed at yesterday? The chart on your screenshot isn't even streaming.
- ago
I removed the strategy, although it showed in the order manager.

Then removed the stop, and put in a better one in backtesting, no issue with locked parameters.

Then saved that as same name as old. Drug it into Order Manager, it was inactive, killed prior one and erased, then made improved one active. It says Idle now.

Blessing in disguise, as I slapped a different stop together, got quite a bit better results on the data set.
- ago
Thanks Eugene,

Yesterday I did get that going, but was in attempt to get trading working which never did work.

Indeed, that does do what want, in terms of live chart with strategy. Think this is the breakthrough.

OK I was able replace the strategy with improved one, and it worked. Never closed WL or Strategy Monitor. Now stops very tight. On screen below I see it does know right stop level price wise, but the red dots under candles are a few behind, do you know why.

This video was most helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJY0bb0g1IA

So, my plan is to use Strategy Monitor, drop Strategy on it, fire up, then open a blank chart and drop strategy on that to watch live data. Seems to work. Anything wrong with that?


 ( 5.11% )
- ago
Nothing wrong with that.

With IB, use Streaming Bars (not Streaming) for intraday trading. The result will match the historical charts. A Streaming chart's bars will differ slightly for reasons explained in the User Guide > Extensions > Interactive Brokers.


