- ago
Thank you.

Any way to send ALL signals (from different strategies) to a single quote monitoring window?

19 Replies



 ( 3.87% )
- ago
- ago
It is the use of Strategy Monitor .. off topic?

 ( 5.60% )
- ago
I believe Cone is referring to adding this post to the end of another topic, it looks like Eugene created a new thread for this question?
- ago
Yes Dion. I kept Cone's post as is but w/o an edit it looks confusing.
- ago
I am now lost on where this should go. Could you please consider making it a feature so that there are not 50 "quote" windows flying around.

Thank you very much.
 ( 5.60% )
- ago
I tagged this with #FeatureRequest so it's in our wish list.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Are you running 50 different strategies? 1 strategy per symbol?
I'm curious to know how that happens.
- ago
My strategy monitor has at the moment 10 strats.

Today .. Two strategies which are running on the S&P500 (WL) generated a signal on 1 different stock each.

Each of those signals get passed to a separate/different quotes windows while they wait for the limit to get hit.

I intend to have my strategies from WL6.9 up and running in the short run and that would add maybe 10 more? It seems weird to have 10/20 quotes windows floating around to me.

 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Not to discourage the feature request (it makes sense), but since the strategies are pretty selective, is there a reason not to Auto-Place the orders?
- ago
How do I add the strategy that the signals come from to Quotes and Triggers?

- ago
Regarding your @CONE response above "Auto Place" in Post #9

When I open Wealth-Lab, strategy monitor opens up, but several stragegies which were active when I closed WL down are now not active? How do I fix that.

Do I need to set them to auto stage / place rather than active?

 ( 5.60% )
- ago
It can be a dangerous proposition automatically activating Strategies when a Workspace opens. So you have to take this extra step and enable this menu option:

- ago
Thank you!!
- ago
To understand a Strategy Monitor and Quotes and Triggers.

I have a strategy that generates signals some of which are triggered. However, the following day the stops and exits are not on the quotes and triggers.

Is that because the trades are not autoplaced into the dummy account or what am I doing wrong?

Thank you.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Missing context.

What would cause stops and exits to be "on the quotes and triggers" the following day?

- ago
What I have "figured out / realized " in the interim is that quotes and triggers appear on a page that is separate from the signals page. I will have to get used to having to look in two places for what I have to do.

I have had an instance where quotes and triggers shows a trigger but then the trade is not in the backtest as having been triggered. Will have to have a specific example of this. It is my impression that it happend in one of the Bensdorp short systems yesterday.

 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Quotes can "trigger" an order before the stop/limit price is reached for Threshold settings below 100%. If the order is filled, then it will certainly be filled in the backtest too. If it doesn't show up in the backtest later, it's likely because it became a NST Position.
- ago
I'm not sure this is the right place to ask, but how can multiple strategies in Strategy Monitor share the same Quotes window?

In WL6 Pro, highlighted stocks in SM would get posted to the Quotes window that was last in focus, so multiple stocks (from multiple strategies in SM) could get posted to a particular Quotes window. I want to know how I can do the same thing in WL8?

Another option would be to have a separate Quotes window for each different broker account. So if you had two broker accounts, you would have two Quotes windows regardless of how many strategies were running in SM. Either this alternative approach, or the WL6 approach discussed above would work well for me.

WL6 Dev posts everything to one Quotes window. That's not ideal, but that's better than having ten separate Quotes windows (which is stupid).

BTW, I use Fidelity ATP to place my orders. I don't use WL Order Manager.
 ( 5.60% )
- ago
No as it stands each push will get sent to a different Quotes window.


