- ago
We're (perhaps) all guilty, at one time or another, of treating backtest metrics as gospel and letting our conscious/subconscious mind believe that the metrics have always been like that.
But that may not be so!
Perhaps the metrics are at a peak? Or at a nadir? Somewhere in between? Do they fluctuate wildly or are (mostly) steady? We don't really know as there's no historical context.

I think it would be *immensely* useful if the metrics can be plotted as a series so we can see how they've fared historically (in this context that means the period tested). A separate tab can be created for the plots e.g. Metrics Series.
(If one can automatically plot a metric's series just by left-clicking on it in the Metrics Report that would be super cool!)

Recognizing that it would be cumbersome, or perhaps impractical/unnecessary/impossible, to create a series for every metric in the Basic and Extended ScoreCards here's a suggested list of 10 core metrics (for a start):
- Alpha
- Beta
- Sharpe Ratio
- Sortino Ratio
- WL Score
- Profit Factor
- Payoff Ratio
- MAR Ratio
- Expectancy Ratio

Hope the developers will do the needful.
7 Replies



- ago
This reminds me of the legacy "Rolling Performance Metrics" visualizer (http://www2.wealth-lab.com/WL5WIKI/PVCombo3.ashx). It didn't have a wide user interest back in the old days but it may be a potential idea for our paid development (see Concierge Support Service).

Meanwhile, the Position Metrics allows to peek at the dynamics of a metric on a by position level - and even create your own metrics in Strategy code and display them in the visualizer:
 ( 5.94% )
- ago
Hope the developers will do the needful.
Hey that's good persuasion - it's called "thinking past the sale". But, it's just your opinion.

In one Berkshire meeting, Warren Buffett said (paraphrasing and making up numbers), I'd rather have a lumpy 25% return than a smooth 20%. In other words, it's the final outcome that matters.
- ago
Original post edit:
(If one can automatically plot a metric's series just by double-clicking on it in the Metrics Report that would be super cool!)

Position Metrics visualizer doesn't offer any of the 10 core metrics I listed above. Anyway, more interested in Portfolio-level metrics, not so much individual positions.

How about bringing back the Rolling Performance Metrics visualizer - either standalone or as part of PowerPack? That would be a good start.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
Hmm, I see this isn't even tagged with a #FeatureRequest so it's not officially on our Wish List and no one can vote for it.
- ago
Position Metrics visualizer doesn't offer any of the 10 core metrics I listed above.

But you can create your own metrics in Strategy code and display them in the visualizer.

How about bringing back the Rolling Performance Metrics visualizer - either standalone or as part of PowerPack?

...Or within the scope of our concierge support service.
- ago
Can you tag it as a #FeatureRequest, or do I need to create a new ticket?
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
I got you!


