Hello, I have a c# chart with a couple of panes created via SetPaneDrawingOptions.
I know that I can resize a regular chart's pane (no code). Like the volume pane via the mouse.
How can I resize a pane on a chart with the c# code panes?
I know that I can resize a regular chart's pane (no code). Like the volume pane via the mouse.
How can I resize a pane on a chart with the c# code panes?
To clarify - resize with the mouse, after it's set with the code. Like it's possible to resize the volume pane with the mouse.
You clarified, but it's still not clear to me what you're after.
You can adjust the pane height in code or manually with the mouse. What more is there to it?
You can adjust the pane height in code or manually with the mouse. What more is there to it?
Once I set the pane in code, it's not possible to adjust it with the mouse, as far as I can tell. I can resize the volume pane with a mouse, not the one created with code.
How can I resize a pane, created with c#, with the mouse?
How can I resize a pane, created with c#, with the mouse?
Once I set the pane in code, it's not possible to adjust it with the mouse,
That's not true. I created a pane with the code below and can easily resize it with the mouse. There's some other problem.
vossPredictor = new VossPredictor(decorrelated,vossPeriod,paramVossPredict.AsInt); vossPredictor.Description = "Voss predictor"; vossBandPass = new BandPass(decorrelated,vossPeriod,0.25); vossBandPass.Description = "Voss bandpass"; //bandpass filter PlotIndicator(vossPredictor,WLColor.BlueViolet, PlotStyle.Line, false, "predictorPane"); PlotIndicator(vossBandPass,WLColor.IndianRed, PlotStyle.Line, false, "predictorPane"); SetPaneDrawingOptions("predictorPane", 60, -2);
I can't duplicate the issue jheffez, I can resize all of the panes created in C# code. Can you post your Strategy code that exhibits the issue?
The code had
I switched from 0 to 1 and it works.
Thank you.
cds.PaneSeparatorWidth = 0
I switched from 0 to 1 and it works.
Thank you.
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