 ( 47.90% )
- ago
On WL6, occasionally I wipe the local historical data to get the historical data refreshed.
Maybe it is to get rid of a bad bar in the local cached data, or share the same data baseline among the multiple computers.

I would like to propose a feature request that is to force refresh the historical data that is not limited to the daily scale data but all scale data.

It could be an option in Data Corrections setting found on Data preferences.

It could be a command line option something like:
/U (required) to perform the update
/C (optional) to close Wealth-Lab when the update completes. Leave a space between /U and /C
/F (optional) to force refresh the data when updating [NEW]
7 Replies



- ago
So the rationale for refreshing the data on all bar scales simultaneously must be a bad bar on all these scales. How high is the probability? If such events are consistent maybe it's worth asking the data vendor why it happens with them and what is their data quality policy. We know that you've been wiping the historical data every day in WL6 but how many users would do so to justify the new option?

Given it must be an occasional event to deal with, this option would belong neither to a command line argument nor be a Data preference for it would have a global effect (and even "invisible" one if program is started from the command line).

Maybe introduce a new popup for Reload Chart Data with a checkbox to affect all bar scales. Dion, what do you think?
 ( 47.90% )
- ago
How high is the probability? If such events are consistent
If it's consistent, then it's not a problem. It's unpredictive and that's the problem.

The probability is not high but it does happen when I forgot about it. I daytrade 50-100 symbols every single day and I do see bad bars that are large enough to affect the ATR which could make long trade to short or vice versa.

Usually data provider takes a day or two to correct such bad data but you may not notice until the weekend or something until you backtest and when you notice it, you would have to wipe the data to get the correct data downloaded.
 ( 4.98% )
- ago
Similar, but not the same, request on the wish list -
 ( 47.90% )
- ago
Exactly. But that one requires the data to be wiped manually for the purpose of force refreshing the data.

I think this request would be more elegant?

Anyway, this idea was inspired by the "Refresh Daily+ Data..." new feature in Build 33.
- ago
Anyway, this idea was inspired by the "Refresh Daily+ Data..." new feature in Build 33.

Actually, the first such feature (the one with % change) is not new and has been there since inception. It's just that B33 exposes it as an option.
 ( 47.90% )
- ago
Actually, the first such feature (the one with % change) is not new and has been there since inception. It's just that B33 exposes it as an option.
That's right. But what it inspired me was the fact that you can refresh the data if I want.
- ago
@kazuna, I wonder if instead of this nuclear option you might want to try out this data provider which is based on a novel idea of generating data with a very low error rate from multiple sources?


