I am running a 5 year backtest on 19 symbols with 4 trades per year per symbol. How can I see how many positions were opened at the same time on a given date?
Thanks for your help.
I am running a 5 year backtest on 19 symbols with 4 trades per year per symbol. How can I see how many positions were opened at the same time on a given date?
Thanks for your help.
If the question is "how many positions were opened", just sort the Position list by Entry Dates and count.
If the question is "how many positions were open", see the Equity Curve and click the "Open Positions" box.
Zoom to focus on a date or hover the mouse on a date and check the "Holdings" at the bottom.
If the question is "how many positions were open", see the Equity Curve and click the "Open Positions" box.
Zoom to focus on a date or hover the mouse on a date and check the "Holdings" at the bottom.
The Metrics Report for the Basic Score Card also includes Average Bars Held for
1) All positions
2) Winning positions
3) Loosing positions
1) All positions
2) Winning positions
3) Loosing positions
You could click on the "Open Positions" check box in the Equity Curve, then move the mouse over the desired date.
Thank you very much for all your answers. I referred to how many positions were open together at the same time. Cone got me the answer.
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