- ago
I would like to use a Moving Average as transaction weight. However, it would only make sense, if the Moving Average could be presented as a percentage of the share price. Is there any indicator which could realize that?

Thank you in advance!
8 Replies



 ( 4.95% )
- ago
You could use the MathIndOpInd indicator to divide a moving average by closing price or vice versa.
Best Answer
- ago
OK, thanks. Yes, this should work in theory. Thanks.

Practically it does not, but it could be because I am not using the newest version. I will have to update the software I guess.


- ago
I will have to update the software I guess.

You got it right. You're using WL7 B53 which is unsupported by now because a lot of has changed (really) since then under the hood. Tons of fixes and improvements.
- ago
OK, I did it with Wealth Lab 8 now and it worked.

However, strangely it seems there is an error with selecting the right shares. In the "Signals" tab there are 29 Signals for 29.4.2013. And the top 3 meet the criterias and they have the highest priority in this list.

But there is another share, which fulfills the criterias as well and which would have a higher priority but this Symbol is just not listed as a signal.... If I open it in the "Chart" window, I can see that the indicators would fit the criterias.

I wonder what could be the issue.
 ( 3.57% )
- ago
It's not clear to me what you think problem is.
All Signals are and should be shown no matter the priority.
- ago
"Signals" are for NEXT BAR's trading, there cannot be a Signals tab for a date 10 years ago. You're probably confusing something.
- ago
I set the Backtesting Range from 1.4.13 to 30.4.13, so in the signal tab all signals for 1.5.13 are shown.

Normally, when there is a certain period, e.g. an RSI with a 10 days period, the backtesting would not really start on 1.4.13, it would start 10 trading later, as only then there is enough data to calculate this RSI. However, it is different with the "MathIndOpInd" indicator. Its periods are not respected and to tackle that I had to introduce a "dummy parameter" with the same period.

It seems that some tickers, although meeting the criterions, are not listed in the signal tab. But I will check it out further to make sure I was not misled.
 ( 3.57% )
- ago
Computers don't make mistakes, but we do when programming them. You have to be more specific about the strategy for us to understand the issue so that we can correct it.

I suggest you show a screenshot of the strategy, and another of the strategy settings, a list of the symbols, and identify the ones you believe are a problem.


