- ago

I set up a dataset through IBKR containing SQQQ. If I start a chart using the dataset it shows 'LS - 3X short QQQ'.
How do I get Proshares Ultrapro Short QQQ (SQQQ) data to show rather than whatever is being displayed?

10 Replies



 ( 4.95% )
- ago
It sounds like you might need to contact IB with questions around their data? We're just the messenger.

Can you share a screen shot of the chart?
 ( 3.57% )
- ago
Maybe try refreshing the chart (right click > Reload).
For me, IB's data and symbol name look about the same as Wealth-Data -

- ago
And review the order of checked Historical Providers in Data Manager, maybe some provider on top of IBKR is delivering odd data?
- ago

I can confirm IBKR is the first in the historic providers list.
I deleted all my datasets and recreated the TQQQ SQQQ dataset.
Here's the 15 minute chart picture which shows that its pulling the data from the London Stock Exchange.

If I go into the chart search box, it brings up a list of stocks that are no longer datasets?

 ( 4.95% )
- ago
For IB this is all controlled by a file called IBContracts.txt located in the WL User Data Folder. You can open the User Data Folder from the "File" menu in WL8. Open that IBContracts.txt and look for the SQQQ= entry. What does it contain?

>>If I go into the chart search box, it brings up a list of stocks that are no longer datasets?<<

That's what I'd expect to see. The symbol chooser drop down will typically give you any symbol for which you've ever downloaded data, in addition any special provider-based symbol search logic that so far is implemented only in the Norgate provider.
 ( 3.57% )
- ago
We're only talking about the company name. I don't know why you're getting a different name than me, but it's coming from IB. After all SQQQ really is "3x Short QQQ. Is that really a problem?

Anyway, because of the way the IB Provider caches Security Names, it's not easy (right now) to refresh them. Here's what you can try:
1. File > Open Wealth-Lab User Data Folder
2. Open this folder: ..\Interactive Brokers\Daily
3. Delete the SQQQ file.
4. Restart Wealth-Lab.
5. In the Data Manager > Historical Providers, check IB and put it above all others.
6. Open a Daily chart and request SQQQ.

The Security Name that comes up is what IB just supplied.
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
seems like also that symbol is mapped to London Stock Exchange
 ( 3.57% )
- ago
Good call Glitch. Then you were right with Post #5.

If you don't define the contract in IBContracts.txt, and when ambiguity exists, we pick a contract through a number of ways as described in the Help (F1) > Interactive Brokers section. See:
- Identifying Instruments/Contracts
- IBContracts.txt Record Format
- IBDefaultMarkets.txt
- ago
Hi @Glitch and @Cone,

Thanks for your help here.

I deleted the SQQQ entries in the IBContract.txt file and I deleted all of the SQQQ entries in the Interactive Brokers folders. I deleted all the datasets that referred to SQQQ.

I checked that IBKR was the first data provider. Restarted Wealth Labs and brought up the SQQQ chart which was still incorrect and refreshed the data at which point everything was correct. The name, exchange and prices all correct.

Thanks for your help.
Best Answer
 ( 3.57% )
- ago
Now that that's solved and if you trade US Markets. I'd recommend this order so that Daily data come from Wealth-Data and/or Q-Data. IB will then be the first choice for Intraday data.

Note that we discovered an issue with IB Daily that was just fixed in Build 56 and that we recommend deleting the ..\Interactive Brokers\Daily folder (so that any new IB requests for Daily data will re-download the data with Pre/Post market corrections.


