- ago
I have a data set comprising 500 stock of which some were delisted in the past. On one of my computers wealth-lab is taking the historical data of the already delisted stocks into account when performing the backtest. On my second computer wealth-lab does it not. Also when updating the data set on my second computer wealth-lab shows no data for the delisted stocks for the past at all but shows them in grey writing. I checked the preferences on both computers but could not find a difference between them. Could you please tell my what to do so that wealth-lab shows historical data for already delisted stocks of data sets in the data manager as well as loading historical data while performing the backtest? Thanks a lot!
17 Replies



 ( 6.78% )
- ago
You didn't say which Providers you were using.

If you use Wealth-Data DataSets (shown with stars in Build 81) you'll get historical backtest on any computer.

The stars indicate DataSets that are dynamic, and as of Build 81 you can create/configure your own.

Norgate Data also has dynamic DataSets.
- ago
I am using Wealth-Data and Q-Data as data providers!
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
okay, a Q-Data DataSet that you create will not be dynamic like Wealth-Data (unless you put all the work into configuring it to be dynamic, symbol by symbol, date by date.)
- ago
I am running WL8 Build 81 on both computers. One computer manages to load historical data (e.g. for ABMD or WWE), the other one refuses. Additionally, on the second computer I defined the data set as dynamic and added ABMD and WWE from 1/1/1992 to 12/31/9999 (the latter date was automatically generated by WL8). The second computer still could not load historical data for those symbols.
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Re: the other one refuses.
Is it a linked DataSet? to which Provider?
If not, which Data Manager > Historical Providers are checked on that computer?
- ago
Data sets are unlinked, checked Providers are WealthData and Q-Data on both computers. One shows data/chart for e.g. WWE or ABMD, the other one does not.
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Daily Scale, right?
Change the chart range to "All Data". Any difference?

File > Offline Mode ?
- ago
Daily scale and I am using "all data" already.
By the way: I deleted WL8 on my former second computer, bought a new one last week and installed WL8 on the new one. When starting WL8 it states "demo version". How come? I thought it is allowed to have WL8 installed on two computers?
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Help > Download your License

I'm out of ideas for your computer's data problem.
Maybe the Log Viewer has some clues? Ctrl+L
- ago
Show us as many screenshots from your 2nd PC as possible, perhaps there's a clue somewhere.
- ago

- ago
On my old computer ABIOMED is recognized by WealthData and Q-Data (see first photograph) although being delisted somewhere in December 2022. On my new computer ABIOMED is only recognized by Random and Yahoo (see second photograph) although the settings on both computers are the same (only WealthData and Q-Data ticked off as data provider).

Thus when doing a backtest, WealthData and Q-Data can't load history data of ABIOMED (and some other symbols). Data cannot be loaded for all symbols and backtest results differ between the two computers (problem -> survivorship bias).
 ( 13.73% )
- ago
Braunstein, that's the Symbol Chooser. Just because the symbol does appear there does not mean it won't be recognized. The Symbol Chooser will start populating with symbols as you download data for them.

To see if the symbol has data:

1. Create a new DataSet LINKED to the desired provider.
2. Open the tree node for the new DataSet in the DataSet tree to see the symbols.
3. Double click a symbol to open a chart.
4. See if you get data, and look at the status bar on the bottom of the chart to verify that the data was populated from the expected Provider.
- ago
I just tried with Q-Data-linked data set but it did not work ("Could not obtain historical data for symbol: ABMD"). Well, but it works on the other computer.
 ( 13.73% )
- ago
So, ABMD is a delisted symbol. The old computer might have QData data for it from some time ago, but it's no longer being provided by QData.

I think that explains it.
Best Answer
- ago
In Post #4 topic starter claims that WD also won't return the data for ABMD & WWE on the 2nd PC.
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Right. Neither are current symbols.
The first PC returns them because they're in the cache.

In Wealth-Data, ABMD is ABMD.20221221.A and WWE changed to TKO on 2023-09-12.


