- ago
I have two Strategies to buy and sell stocks that gap down on the open. The first one looks just like the one I'll show in a moment, except it only has the buy portion.

I only use the sell portion after the close.

If I don't already own a particular stock, everything works as expected. However, if I already do, and there is an existing sell order, the newly placed order replaces the existing one. For example, I had an order to sell my existing single share of ACOR at 2.50

After placing this order today, to sell the second share of ACOR that I bought today, I now have one order to sell one share of ACOR at 1.99, even though I want two sell orders on the books for my two shares, one at 2.50 and one at 1.00. I can place the second order manually, but that's pretty time consuming when I have a lot of trades.

Is this the way it's supposed to work? Thanks!
5 Replies



 ( 4.98% )
- ago
I can't follow your ACOR example with 2.50 and 1.00 - this doesn't correspond to my data for that symbol.

The strategy manages each position separately. When I run this on ACOR ,it bought positions each of the last 3 days - 2, 3, and 4 April. By design, it sold the first 2 positions yesterday at 1.99 and bought one at 1.80.

For today, you'll have a signal to sell that position at yesterday's closing price (1.68), and another to buy at 1.63 Limit.

 ( 10.62% )
- ago
Could a Trading Preference be causing the quantity of the exit signal to change? Let’s see your Trading Preferences please.
- ago
That it's ACOR and specific prices don't matter. It boils down to if I have an existing sell order from, say, yesterday and I use the sell portion from the above Strategy's results in the Strategy Monitor, it will replace the existing order with the newer order. Instead of two different orders, I'll only have one.

Here are the Preferences:

 ( 4.98% )
- ago
There should be only 1 sell order for today - for the Position that it bought yesterday.
All other positions have already exited.

What is the "existing order"?
- ago
I tried doing it again today, but everything worked fine. My trades must be quantum trades because the "Observer Effect" was in full play today. It's probably just some Ameritrade hiccups. If you're interested in knowing what I have, apparently randomly observed, read on. If not, I'll pipe up with screen caps if it happens again.

On 4/3 I bought ACHL at the open. After the close, I selected ACHL (and others) from the second part of the results, and placed the sell orders. Here's the first sell order sitting in my TDA account:

Today, 4/5, I bought another share of ACHL after it gapped down at the open. After the market closed I again used the second part of today's Strategy's results to place the sell order:

Now, I have two sell orders, one for each share of ACHL:

So, today it worked fine. There are two sell orders. What, apparently, has happened randomly is that after placing the second, or more, sell orders, was that the second order cancelled the first, and I was left with one order to sell one share at the newer price; in this case I would have had only the 0.8989 sell order for one share. That's what I meant by hijacked. I'd own two shares, but only one sell order for one share at the newer price. Maybe the trading gods fixed the problem. My car also refuses to make that funny sound when I try to show it to the mechanic.



