ExecuteSessionOpen is becoming very useful for daily strategies that depend on the same-day's opening price. Also very useful for option selection based on the underlying symbol's opening price. Since option prices can vary significantly from a prior day close to the opening, is there a way to have position sizer use the session's same-day opening price as well when calculating size of order ?
Currently no, but interesting idea, let me tag this as a #FeatureRequest.
is there a way to have position sizer use the session's same-day opening price as well when calculating size of order ?
How is this different from selecting "Market open next bar" for the Basis Price that does exactly this?
That's just for the backtest. You can't send a "cash" order for shares.
When this signal is Placed, it's converted to shares just like any other order.
If fractional shares are supported, the broker (currently Alpaca only) will take a notional [dollar] value - the basis amount.
When this signal is Placed, it's converted to shares just like any other order.
If fractional shares are supported, the broker (currently Alpaca only) will take a notional [dollar] value - the basis amount.
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