- ago
Hi. I just gave it a try. It seems to stream AAPL. But can you explain the timestemps?
Streaming in a QT it is sparsly filled.

26 Replies



- ago
 ( 4.82% )
- ago
That looks like a bug. Timestamps should be adjusted to the market's time zone.
- ago
Ok. If you need some more details, just let me know.
- ago
That looks like a bug. Timestamps should be adjusted to the market's time zone.

Fixed for B2.
- ago
Streaming in a QT it is sparsly filled.

Works for me. Did you give it enough time to subscribe to symbols through websockets?

- ago
It was active many minutes at least and some prices did change. The table did not fill like using it with IB. The symbols are taken from the ticker list EODH provides.
- ago
Don't know what to tell you, maybe this is the effect of throttling.
- ago
I have running a second QT window streaming via IB. Can there be a problem when using two streaming channels?


Don't know what to tell you, maybe this is the effect of throttling.

Yes, it has that impression. However, there is no reason from the provider's point of view.
- ago
Hmm such limitation/issue doesn't seem familiar. Any related error message in the log?

However, there is no reason from the provider's point of view.

- ago
If i use Yahoo with the Nasdaq symbols, everything is loaded immediately (at the same time streaming IB)

If i use the Streaming Data Testbed for AAPL and TSLA it streams as expected. (beside the reported time). So, "for me" it seems issue seems to be connected with the QT tool. I did not try for the SM so far.
- ago


I have a subscription for All World Extended.

- ago
The log only includes a connection entry.

- ago
In the setting for the Historical Provider the API Token needs to be defined.
I don't see in input box for the Streaming Provider. Is the API Token used for both scenarios?
- ago
You have hit some symbol limit at EODHD. For example, I'm trying to stream S&P 500 in a Quotes window and am able to do it through AVGO ticker only. Must be roughly 100 symbols.

WL does embed a throttler which adheres to EODHD's rate limiting policy which currently applies to the historical and event data providers only.

P.S. I notice that data consumption over websockets (real-time quotes) isn't reflected in the daily usage widget in EODHD's control panel. Wonder how long it works like this.
- ago
I only know these limits https://eodhistoricaldata.com/financial-apis/api-limits/#Minute_API_Limit

Well, i did not see a special realtime limitation. So for me it looks like ...


Each symbol request costs 1 API call. For example, multiple tickers request with 10 symbols costs 10 API calls.

and the 100K requests should be enough to fill the QT tool once (for 100 Nasdaq or 180 selected symbols before). I wonder why my usage level is 0 out of 100K. And just as a side note, the API token works as I have already loaded historical data with it. It seems like my account did not receive any request.
- ago

WL does embed a throttler which adheres to EODHD's rate limiting policy which currently applies to the historical and event data providers only.

The API request limit of EODHD should not have any effect on me, as my credit is far from being used up. If there is another real-time restriction, I would be happy if you could show me where I can read about it.
- ago
From the details page. If i have to guess i would say this includes live-delayed and realtime data, but not sure about it. (There is no entry for 2023-03-28)


P.S. I notice that data consumption over websockets (real-time quotes) isn't reflected in the daily usage widget in EODHD's control panel. Wonder how long it works like this.

- ago
If there is another real-time restriction, I would be happy if you could show me where I can read about it.

You're barking up the wrong tree. To repeat:

For example, I'm trying to stream S&P 500 in a Quotes window and am able to do it through AVGO ticker only. Must be roughly 100 symbols.

Our provider isn't applying any extra limit here.
 ( 11.02% )
- ago
What Eugene is saying is that it appears you/he have discovered an UNDOCUMENTED limit in EODHD streaming of approximately 100 concurrent symbols.
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks Glitch for the clear words :-). Well, maybe it is a follow up problem, but it does not work for a single symbol too (now)
- ago
Hello Eugene. I take over from the other thread.

Now, i fully understand your argument that you wish/need some more information you can work with. If we accept that it is a limitation from EODHD then let's take a closer look at it please.

Let's say we want to stream 100 symbols (which does not work the way we want), then we need two request. "For now" i doubt that making two requests hits any limit and it is a limitation from EODHD.

I am curious, do you ask for symbols simultaneously?
If you already do it, then the point is, do you limit it to 50 tickers per request?

I think these are fair questions which you can answer only from your side.
As long we do not run into the API call limitation in general this should work imho, and this is what i can assure for the situation we had.
- ago
The provider subscribes to symbols using the WebSocket API. The highlighted sentence does not mean you can subscribe to 50 tickers in one request, and then another 50 in a 2nd call etc. This is wishful thinking. You're limited to 50 concurrent symbols total, so if we both happen to be getting twice than that it's just the vendor being graceful.🤷‍♂️ Thanks for pointing at it, I missed seeing that limitation documentaed. And like they suggest, you can apply to increase the threshold.
- ago
Ah, now I think I understand what you mean. You have to choose 50 tickers that you can then stream, but you stick with them, right? Well, i did not thought in this direction so far. Ok, for the moment it looks to me that you might be right but for me they are not clear about it. I still hope that is is the way i thought about it. Here is why.

How long do you need to stick with these tickers, a session a month or what timeframe do you think it is?

The next step is clear to me. I will ask them how this needs to be understood as i can not read it from the documentation.

Thanks again, i will come back later with a feedback of EODHD. (hope i get a feedback)
- ago
The EOHD provider maintains an internal queue of subscribed symbols comprised of unique tickers which are being streamed currently, across all Wealth-Lab tools (Order Manager, streaming charts etc.) Thus, streaming TSLA in three active WL tools (just for example) simultaneously counts as one streaming symbol. Suppose you're maxed out at 50 (or practically 100) simultaneously streaming symbols. Once TSLA leaves all your charts and WL tools where it's been, there's room to subscribe to one more symbol thru WebSockets. Hope I'm being clear.
- ago
You are absolute clear. (not sure if i understand it as you mean it lol)


... Once TSLA leaves all your charts and WL tools where it's been, there's room to subscribe to one more symbol thru WebSockets. Hope I'm being clear. ...

It means if you stop streaming 50 symbols (e.g. TSLA and 49 others) you can stream another 50 symbols. That is exaclty the understanding i was reading from the limitation.
- ago
It means if you stop streaming 50 symbols (e.g. TSLA and 49 others) you can stream another 50 symbols. That is exaclty the understanding i was reading from the limitation.

You can stream another 50 symbols or the same 50 symbols again, that's not important. It's just a queue.


