- ago
Something happened with WL for me today. When I found a strategy was having an error running in the SM, I restarted WL, but om restart it lost my default workspace settings, including windows and strategies in the SM. Can settings be recovered?
7 Replies



 ( 3.70% )
- ago
You can recover the Settings.txt file from your backup, if you made one.

Re: Backups
At a minimum, you should backup the top-level WealthLab8 user data folder, Strategies, DataSets, DrawingsV2, and Workspaces folders, and, if it applies for you, ASCII, Indicators, IndexLab, and NeuroLab folders for this purpose . Since most price data can be recovered by downloading it again, it's probably not necessary to backup folders for Data Providers... but it doesn't hurt if you have the storage for it.
Best Answer
- ago
Yes, settings and strategies are all stored in different files (XML, TXT) so they can be perfectly recovered from your backup. You kept it, right?

Also, Windows file versions can come to rescue?
- ago
@Cone I have a folder on my backup drive called FileHistory. It has Strategies but not the other files. I can't figure out how to select these other folders to add. I have a feeling I set up this backup when I was running WIn 10 and that option was removed from Win 11. If you know differently, please let me know.

Fortunately, I have a Windows image backup and I was able to retrieve the file from there.

Before I got to restore that file I redid all my settings and strategies in the SM. I updated WL today and when it restarted, all the settings were gone, even though I saved them as Default. I then shut down, restored my Settings backup file and restarted. Settings still did not come back.

Something else is going on.
 ( 8.31% )
- ago
You mean your default Workspace is not loading on startup?

WL8 saves the default Workspace in a file DefaultWorkspace.txt in your WL8 user data folder.

If you lost the file you may need to recreate the default Workspace.
- ago
That file was missing. I manually recreated and saved and now it is working as usual.
- ago
@Eugene, thanks for the info and link. I do make backups but I couldn't find these files.. Win 11 backup is a hacked release 0.something. Extremely difficult to figure out and use. I think the link you sent is OOD as it pertains to win 10. Backup was deprecated in 11.

I *finally* figured out how to add non-default folders to File History in Win 11.

1. Nav to the folder you want included in FH backup
2. Right-click on folder > More Options > Include in Library > Create New Library
3. This will open new entry "New Library" on left side nav panel
4. Change name of "New Library" to something like "WL8 File History"
5. Go back to folders in WL8 folder that you want to back up with File History
6. One-by-one right-click on folder > More Options > Include in Library > WL8 FIle History
7. Repeat #6 for all folders you want to include
8. Search for Control Panel and select File History
9. Choose Run to update File History
10 When finished choose "Restore Personal FIles" and make sure you are on latest date & time. You will see new library "WL8 File History" with the folders you selected.

Note: it does not appear that you can select individual files to add to a library, only folders. Make sure you save your Settings and DefaultWorkspace files another way.



