- ago

I believe that this is a feature request as I cannot seem to find an option to see prices in charts to a longer than two decimal places.

Considering that chart could get messy, would it be possible to add a Data Panel profile in a dropdown (i.e. Extended or Advanced Data Panel) that shows prices to a specified number of decimals?

Alternatively, do you already have a function to specify number of displayed decimal places? Also, I assume that this is a display only and all calculations are performed on the actual decimals (without rounding).

Lastly, if you can point me out to where I could copy a Basic Data Panel specs and use to create my own advanced one, that would be great too.

Many thanks
9 Replies



- ago
Decimals is a parameter that can already be specified by design, see DataPanelItem API. More info for development in Data Panel ScoreCard API.

The number of decimals for OHLC and named time series is driven by BarHistory.DisplayDecimals. Indicators are not limited to 2 decimals.

The panel does not do calculations, it only reflects them.

P.S. And please, no need to tag EVERY topic you start with #KnowHow. I've been removing them, for example, like from this topic. It's a pretty specific tag that should be assigned on Knowledge Base level posts only by the content creators and admins.
- ago
Many thanks. This is a great start.

Thanks for the tip...I was using that tag completely wrongly!

Are you able to provide me a basic construct script to start with this...I am coming form c++ and firmware design for IoT devices so any help is much appreciated!!
 ( 7.88% )
- ago
an option to see prices in charts to a longer than two decimal places.
The Basic ScoreCard uses the BarHistory's display decimals, e.g., bars.SymbolInfo.DisplayDecimals.

If your provider (which one?) is not setting the DisplayDecimals properly, then you can override it in Tools > Market and Symbols with your own setting.,
- ago
Many thanks Cone.

Tried that and created a new exchange but Norgate still displays 2 decimal points (even after restart) as opposed to 4 or 6 on the chart or data window....

Are you able to help me with a basic script construct that I can create my own "data panel" in the dropdown where I can not only specify my own elements but also their length?

Many thanks.
 ( 7.88% )
- ago
Nope, I'd have to look at the information in Eugene's links in Post #1 just like you do.

My question is why isn't it working for Norgate?
What are the symbols?
What should the precision be?

Probably a general fix needs to be made in the Norgate provider for DisplayDecimals.
- ago
Not a problem. Thanks for letting me know.

Look...charts and data panel show only 2 decimal places on all pricing and we have situation where at least 4 would be good to have (on larger positions, it can make a difference). Ideally, the user should be able to choose chart display or data window resolution.

I am pretty sure that full length data is used for calc as i can see long numbers when I copy price data:

(e.g. Date/Time Open High Low Close Volume
"15/07/2020" 322.4100036621094 323.0400085449219 319.2650146484375 321.8500061035156 87196528)
 ( 7.88% )
- ago
Look... that's wrong, and you avoided answering my questions. I understand (probably more than anyone) that Norgate uses single precision data, which you're seeing as a double in WealthLab. I want to know about the symbols you're using and the Market that they're in.

- ago
Apologies...I wasn't sure what you were asking....I am working with Australian data but have just tested US data from WD, Norgate and others...so let's start from beginning:

here is the markets and symbols setup (before addition)

Then here is us and au data from different data sets

Then here is addition of two new markets (US and AU) with more decimal points (as the original ones are locked)

And the situation doesn't change (after restart)

I hope that this answers your question and that view that you have is exactly what I am after.

Many thanks
 ( 7.88% )
- ago
Even in your view the Australian market is showing 3 decimals, which is probably correct. But if you want 4 (because you want more zeroes?), then you'll have to resort to Markets & Symbols.

Creating the Market is one part of it. The other is assigning the symbols to those markets on the Symbol tab. You'll have to use RegEx or Wildcards.

As long as you're not trading futures, you could assign all symbols without a period, or ".A", or ".B" to your "US" market. This regex expression would work for that:
[^.*(?<!\.)$|^.*\.A$|^.*\.B$] - enclosed in square brackets denotes Regex for Symbols.

Unfortunately we're currently unable to enter lowercase symbols in the Symbols dialog, (i.e., ".au") so you could negate that previous expression (below) and assign that to your "AU" market:
Best Answer


