How can I access daily data in a weekly strategy? For example for my weekly strategy I want to enter only if the daily close of SPY is above its 200d sma. Thanks
Does ScaleInd work from weekly to daily? I thought it compresses timeseries so it could be used when one has a daily strategy but want to use weekly/monthly data. In my case I have a weekly strategy and want to use daily data of an external ticker. I tried it seems it did not generate any signal.
I think I got your point: use a daily strategy and scale all indicators I'm using on weekly using ScaleInd.
In the case of using a Weekly scale, you can simply use a Weekly SMA(42) to approximate the Daily SMA(200). The difference is negligible.
Just to compare, here's how you can do it in C# code, which shows how to access and synchronize daily data in a weekly scale (no block for that).
Run this on a Weekly scale, first with wper = 40 (200 / 5). With wper = 42, the plots are nearly identical.
Just to compare, here's how you can do it in C# code, which shows how to access and synchronize daily data in a weekly scale (no block for that).
Run this on a Weekly scale, first with wper = 40 (200 / 5). With wper = 42, the plots are nearly identical.
using WealthLab.Backtest; using System; using WealthLab.Core; using WealthLab.Indicators; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WealthScript1 { public class MyStrategy : UserStrategyBase { TimeSeries _dailySMA; public override void Initialize(BarHistory bars) { BarHistory dailybars = GetHistoryUnsynched(bars.Symbol, HistoryScale.Daily, null); _dailySMA = SMA.Series(dailybars.Close, 200); // now synchronize to the chart scale _dailySMA = TimeSeriesSynchronizer.Synchronize(_dailySMA, bars); PlotTimeSeriesLine(_dailySMA, "Daily SMA(200)", "Price", WLColor.Red); // assuming weekliy bars, plot a weekly SMA(40) to compare. Using 42 to line up identically int wper = 40; PlotTimeSeriesLine(SMA.Series(bars.Close, wper), $"Weekly SMA({wper})", "Price", WLColor.Yellow); } public override void Execute(BarHistory bars, int idx) { if (!HasOpenPosition(bars, PositionType.Long)) { // entry logic if (bars.Close[idx] > _dailySMA[idx]) { } } else { } } } }
Thanks @Cone. Here you provided two ways to accomplish what I wanted in a weekly strategy:
1. load daily bars with GetHistoryUnsynced
2. Use weekly SMA to approximate daily SMA.
1. load daily bars with GetHistoryUnsynced
2. Use weekly SMA to approximate daily SMA.
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