I used Tools->Indicator Builder to create a custom indicator like so:

Clicked "Generate Indicator Code"
Clicked "Compile"
Clicked "Save to My Indicators Folder"
This creates a new Folder "My Indicators" in View->Indicators, which contains my new "Test0" indicator. :)
Now, if I close and restart WL, the Folder "My Indicators" is gone... :(
Clicked "Generate Indicator Code"
Clicked "Compile"
Clicked "Save to My Indicators Folder"
This creates a new Folder "My Indicators" in View->Indicators, which contains my new "Test0" indicator. :)
Now, if I close and restart WL, the Folder "My Indicators" is gone... :(
Did you start WL with elevated privileges (Admin mode)?
Just saw this sentence in Help->Indicators->Custom Indicators->Editing your Indicator:
And indeed, if I start WL in admin mode (and only then), it has the "My Indicators" folder.
* The indicator worked in non-admin mode before I closed WL
* why is admin mode necessary (more than once), this smells like a bug...
* help says, this is necessary after (re-) editing a custom indicator (only?)
You must close and restart Wealth-Lab in Admin mode in order to use the changed indicator.
And indeed, if I start WL in admin mode (and only then), it has the "My Indicators" folder.
* The indicator worked in non-admin mode before I closed WL
* why is admin mode necessary (more than once), this smells like a bug...
* help says, this is necessary after (re-) editing a custom indicator (only?)
I created a custom indicator in admin mode, restarted WealthLab in admin mode, now I'm unable to see it and specially I can no more edit and compile it again:
We'll look into it ASAP. It seems that we lost the "My Indicators" folders recently.
All your indicator code, however, is preserved in User Data folder: \Indicators
All your indicator code, however, is preserved in User Data folder: \Indicators
I was just going to report that issue myself. Great, that the forum has a well working search! Thank you for looking into it.
It's fixed in the next upcoming release. It was a side effect of the new functionality where you can right click on a tree and save the expanded node state as default.
Thanks, Glitch! Is there a fixed release schedule? Or in other words; do you have an ETA when the fix might be released?
I'm thinking tomorrow or Wednesday.
Just checking in: Is the release still planned for this week?
Later today.
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