- ago
I would like to start WealthLab in my development environment in offline mode.

I don't see a command line argument that provides this selection. Perhaps I am missing something.

Would it be possible to add this argument? Could this be a feature request? Perhaps also include Expert mode at the same time if it is possible.
8 Replies



- ago
Why would you like to start WealthLab in your development environment in offline mode? This is not obvious.
- ago
IQFeed can only be used on one computer at the same time. If I attempt to connect on a second (development) computer, IQFeed will be disconnected from the first (production) computer. Starting WLP in offline mode would prevent this.

I have winform applications that control the production environment and the development environment, hence acting as batch file schedulers, and this option would allow greater automation of doing a build, putting libraries and ml models in the correct place and starting the development WLP without accidentally forgetting to manually switch to offline mode.

Hopefully you can add this feature request. Thanks
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
If you create a default WorkSpace in Offline Mode that should do the trick.
Best Answer
- ago
I had set the default workspace for my development environment to exactly match my production environment which is in online mode, and it is only sometimes that I want to start offline, for example during market hours, so a command-line argument would really help this. I will look for an alternative if this command line argument is not possible. Thanks.
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
We'll tag it as a #FeatureRequest to add the command line argument.
- ago

Create a workspace with settings appropriate for the environment and online/offline settings.

Hence, you could have a development workspace named "Development Online" saved with online mode and launch it as follows...
"C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8\WealthLab8.exe" /w "Development Online"

And, you could have a development workspace named "Development Offline" saved with offline mode and launch it as follows...
"C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8\WealthLab8.exe" /w "Development Offline"

And, you could have a production workspace named "Production" saved with online mode and launch it as follows...
"C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8\WealthLab8.exe" /w "Production"

Of course, just create the appropriate command files or modify your WinForms program(s) to launch accordingly.

@Glitch - minor detail - in the WL8 help, the /W command line option is not documented in the Command Line Arguments help section, but it is documented in the Workspaces help section. I thought you should know incase you wanted to update the Command Line Arguments help section.
- ago
Good idea. Thanks
 ( 3.57% )
- ago
Re: Command Line Arguments help section
I can get that.


