- ago
When I Backtest a strategy and then send orders to the Quotes and Triggers Page, I cannot seem to get the orders to Auto-Place when triggered (I'm using Alpaca Paper Account BTW).

Interestingly, orders CAN be sent to the order manager page using Auto-Stage and then manually placed from there, but, I thought that perhaps the purpose of Auto-Place was to avoid those extra steps.

Anyone else having these issues?
7 Replies



 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Since I use this feature to trade every day for years, maybe you're missing a switch?
Please show a screenshot of the failure scenario.
- ago
Thx Cone. I don't see any "switches" per se, but I have been careful about properly setting the source of my streaming data, as well as the destination of the orders themselves. I'll see what I can put together for you to look at.

But, let me ask this ...should I expect to be able to Auto-Place orders from the Quotes and Price Trigger Window to any operational account that I have which can manually accept orders? Such as a TD Ameritrade Account, or an Alpaca paper Account, or even a WL8 Dummy Account?
 ( 13.73% )
- ago
Yes you specify the desired broker/account in the Quotes tool.
Best Answer
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
If you're using Preferences > Trading > Use Broker Account value for Equity-based PosSizers, make sure the correct Broker Account is selected on the Signals page before sending your signals to Quotes.
- ago
By "Signals page" are you referring to the Backtest Results page?

I know that my proper account (Alpaca or WL Dummy Account #x) and Streaming Provider (IQFeed) are set correctly in the Quotes & Price Triggers Page, but even with a WL Published Strategy like Neo Master, no signals are received by either Alpaca or WL Dummy Broker #x.

I don't believe I've ever been able to enable the Auto-Placement of orders from the Quotes and Triggers page. I realize you have been doing this for years but obviously I'm doing something wrong.
 ( 6.78% )
- ago
Not Backtest Results.
This is the Signals page for the Strategy Window - it only appears when there are Signals.

And the Strategy Monitor has a Signals pane for the selected Strategy item -

We're still waiting for your screen shot of how this fails for you.
- ago
Working on that. Sometimes, working on a clear and concise written explanation of the problem can produce the solution.


