- ago
Wish: an ordertype for the Interactive broker connection with “Market on open” (not the “normal” market order at the opening of the stock exchange)
7 Replies



- ago
I have noticed on my strategy that if I use .Market order for both Buy and Sell and hit Run Backtest I get a profit number, but then if I click Run Backtest again, I get a higher profit number, click again and I get another number. How are these "at Market" orders handled as far the buy/sell numbers. If I use .MarketClose order type, then I get the same number each time I click Run Backtest. Can .MarketOpen order type be added. If my strategy has a Sell signal I would want to that at the beginning of the trading day.
 ( 11.27% )
- ago
Check your Metrics Report, and look for NSF Positions. This tells you how many trade candidates were missed because of Non-Sufficient simulated equity. Each time you run the backtest, WL7 will pick random symbols amongst the candidates for simulated fills.
- ago
Forget my suggestion to add at Open as an option to fill orders, I think at Market is realistic.
- ago
If you work with daily closing prices, you often use a "market on open" order. This is a market order that is placed with Interactive Brokers (i.E) before the stock exchange opens with the addition "OPG". This "OPG order addition" enables an average better fill than a market order without this addition. Can you please install this OPG add-on? This is very important for everyone who works with EOD data. A "normal" market order is not enough, especially since an order sent via the API can no longer be changed at IB. Thanks!
- ago
Any news here please? Still no OPG Order with Interactive Brokers...
 ( 11.27% )
- ago
No news yet, as you can see in our Feature Request page we have dozens of requested features, and unless we start getting hundreds of new paying customers so we can hire and train several new developers, our small team will have to forge ahead as best we can. This means that your "pet" request might not immediately get realized.
 ( 4.92% )
- ago
This is actually part of another feature request:
Broker Auto-Trade Preferences - Market On Open, Portfolio Sync

Market-On-Open orders aren't just an IB thing, so this should be implemented as a general "Trading Preference".

Consequently, I'm going to remove the Feature Request tag here, and encourage you to vote for the other request..


