I look at c:\users\AppData\Roaming\Wealthlab7, but there is no WealthLab7 only the old Fidelity folder. So where are they?
1. "Show hidden files":
2. Now Strategies can be found here:
c:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\WealthLab7\Strategies
2. Now Strategies can be found here:
c:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\WealthLab7\Strategies
I found it, thank you.
I found my stategies, but...
When I open some of them I get expected source code. But others have only a single cryptic line with the strategy name embedded, such as
Can you explain?
When I open some of them I get expected source code. But others have only a single cryptic line with the strategy name embedded, such as
"1|71|00|16|NNFast2_202102056889| "
Can you explain?
Blocks based strategies usually appear quite terse. Is this the whole code?
This is not blocks based. Oh, I see it now...
I opened it with NotePad and this one line is what I immediately saw. The line I posted is followed by a more than 50 lines of whitespace. Scrolling down shows me the strategy source code. Sorry for the bother.
Edit: All that whitespace was in the strategy description. Who knew? I have no idea how it goth there. I re-entered the strategy description and the whitespace is gone.
The heading is now...
I opened it with NotePad and this one line is what I immediately saw. The line I posted is followed by a more than 50 lines of whitespace. Scrolling down shows me the strategy source code. Sorry for the bother.
Edit: All that whitespace was in the strategy description. Who knew? I have no idea how it goth there. I re-entered the strategy description and the whitespace is gone.
The heading is now...
1|81|00|16|NNFast2_2021020522|Test a Neural network.6|LenMoz18|6374845508327231120|3|Len32237| //using System.Text; //using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; (remainder of strategy code)
Where do I post a strategy named Test3 that was built with VS2019?
If I post it here:
c:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\WealthLab7\Strategies\EK

It won't show up in the strategy window:

Unless I post it here:

But I would like to use a sub folder so to be able to separate my strategy's.
If I post it here:
c:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\WealthLab7\Strategies\EK
It won't show up in the strategy window:
Unless I post it here:
But I would like to use a sub folder so to be able to separate my strategy's.
Expand the Test3 node that you marked in blue. Compiled Strategies show up in
their own nodes.
their own nodes.
Ok, that's fine but I guess that means I can't use a folder to hold my strategies, correct?
Correct, each assembly you compile will have its own node in the tree.
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