- ago
Using WL8 B99.

I have encountered the following issues while using B99 released a few days ago, not encountered with previous builds:
1. While using Strategy Rankings | Symbol Rankings it initially ran OK. Then I changed a strategy's parameter and re-ran it... it kept running for 15 mins w/o any progress (typically it would be done in 2-3 mins). WL8 was frozen - no buttons worked - had to close it from the taskbar.
2. Today, while downloading data initially it worked OK but then hung up during a download... had to close it from taskbar as no buttons worked in the app.
3. Find doesn't work: Open up a C# strategy, go to Code Editor tab, hit Ctrl+F to bring up the Find window... type in anything (e.g. bars) and click on the right arrow... the window disappears.

Atleast #3 should be easily verifiable by the developers.
There may be other issues also, I just happened to encounter these three by serendipity.
Hope they get fixed soon.
12 Replies



 ( 6.63% )
- ago
Lacks a lot of detail this report. And calling Build 99 "Unstable" is going too far - that's why it's not in the title anymore.

1. How big was the test? - number of strategies, DataSet, Scale, etc. Maybe you Event Providers were enabled too?

2. Downloading where, what, and which Provider?

3. This one I see, good catch. For now just keep hitting the return key, which gives you that right arrow functionality to jump to the next match.

- ago
1 & 2: The respective areas of WL8 initially worked OK, then hiccuped. If either happens again I'll just use the Universal Solution: Close/EndTask WL8, restart and finish the job. I'd mentioned them in case somebody else had also reported the issue(s).
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
Which Provider were you downloading from? This will help us narrow down where to look for issues.
- ago
#2. I was in Data Manager, had just finished d/l via Historical Providers, switched to Event Providers (I use three: Morningstar, Nasdaq, WealthData) and clicked on Update all Checked Providers Data... that's when WL8 froze (no error/exception box). I force-closed the app, restarted, and finished the d/l which went OK (by which I mean the process completed successfully, not that it d/l anything).

As an aside: Event Providers virtually never seems to d/l data (but I still try, lol). And yes, I know the *initial* d/l has to be via DataSets and future event d/l can be via Event Providers (it updates prev d/l to latest info available) but it always shows a screen like this:

I only d/l on weekends. Try it for a month, you'll see what I mean.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
Thanks, considering a symbol might not get any new fundamental items for a month or a quarter it’s not surprising that a Data Manager update would yield no new events Still I’ll spend some time investigating to ensure that there’s nothing going wrong here.
- ago
WL8 uses a smart approach to event updates, delaying certain requests (e.g. earnings and dividends will not be re-requested for a month since last such event) and always trying to download some that can occur anytime (e.g. news, insider trading or analyst ratings). This has proven to speed up the backtest speed.
- ago
Here's a daily chart of SPY (data source: WealthData) - the world's most actively traded security:

The price data is up-to-date. However, the last event data point I have is 12/15/23 and its from Morningstar.

The last event data I have from WealthData is 6/16/23:

P.S. If time is limited I'd rather you focus it on fixing the Find box issue - its FAR more important.
- ago
1 - Morningstar is a free data provider, I leave it up to you to check their website if some event data is still available for free.

2 - WD covers splits (none) and dividends (with the last one on Friday). So far so good.
 ( 6.63% )
- ago
Internally, we worked a bug on inconsistent event retrieval and went back and forth with it for many weeks. It's finally fixed for Build 100. Check again then.

(I think the fix involved removing that "smart approach" that Eugene mentioned earlier, which could make working with Events even slower, but at last they're returned consistently to Strategies.)

That said, we're working a separate server-side issue updating Wealth-Data dividends, which should be fixed this week.
- ago
Sounds good, thanks! Hope it'll do a "catch-up" d/l to fill-in all missing event data points.

Update on disappearing Find/Find & Replace box: Since my original post I've tested more and come to realize that when you click anywhere outside the text input field(s) the box disappears, not just on the arrow (e.g. Match case, Match whole word, Look in). Hope this gets fixed very soon as its vital functionality.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
It’s already fixed for Build 100, was a side effect of another fix, if you hit enter from another chart window’s symbol box, the find box was incorrectly intercepting that return key.
- ago


