- ago
Hello there, so I am using your price and quotes triggers together with Binance, and I noticed that on binance, my order "UMAUSDT" got filled, but on Wealthlab8 it says the order is still active. image2 is also proof that the trade went through. The problem arises that no sell orders are getting generated by my strategy, because wealthlab still assumes that the order is "active" and not "filled".

this is the sample strategy:
30 Replies



 ( 7.21% )
- ago
Are there any error messages in the WL8 log? Is this happening consistently with all orders? I tried placing a trade for this symbol in my Binance account in WL8 but UMAUSDT is not available (Binance US.)
 ( 4.70% )
- ago
After checking the Log Viewer...

Open Tools > Accounts.
First, did anything change just opening that tool? Does the Position show up in the account?

Click "Request Updates from Brokers"

If the Position shows up in the Account and nothing changes with the order, try Canceling the order. What happened?

If there's an error you get some sort of Pending status, right click and "Kill Selected Orders".
- ago
Greetings you two, thanks for the quick response!

I noticed, that my balance did not update after the order got filled. The log doesn't show anything, I believe I cleared it once unknowingly, but the moment a new trade opens up I will post it here (shouldn't take longer than an hour or two).

I also noticed another problem, that some of the coins have very large percentages and get triggered at the very first minute of the strategy refresh (14:00:33 as shown in the first image), and my order does somehow not get filled because of it. I am using polling on 1-hour timeframe currently.

Is there any way to automatically cancel such orders in case accidents like these happen, or does the cancel have to be manual?

- ago
- ago
I refreshed the price and now the position shows up, but still doesn't say "filled" on order manager.

Could me having coins with tiny amount of balance left impact on the orders? Because on binance, there's always a little amount of coins left after every transaction. I proceeded to convert all small values to BNB.

Indeed, I got a binance error and cancelPending order. I have proceeded to kill the order.

Also, once I killed the order, the sell limit order showed up in strategy monitor as expected.
- ago
I managed to replicate the issue.

The currency pair is MULTIUSDT. The order got filled on Binance, but it still doesn't refresh on wealthlab, neither in order manager, or under account tab. Nothing regarding Binance in error log.

 ( 7.21% )
- ago
Are any of your orders showing as filled in the Order Manager? I’m trying to see if this is specific to some symbols or just an overall failure at your end. Fills are occurring fine for me locally.
- ago
None of the orders get status "filled" under order manager.

What also sometimes happens, probably a different error, is that some orders get "triggered" in the "quotes and price trigger" section, but do not get shown up in the order manager (or binance on that matter). This seems to occur if the order gets triggered at the start of a new hour (in the first minute).
- ago
an example of this is the MULTIUSDT that got a buy limit order which got "filled" on binance, but still remains active on wealthlab - but it's possible this is because there's already a buy limit order still pending?

- ago
An update:

Weirdly enough, not doing absolutely anything, the orders are now getting filled. BUT I did notice that I kept "turn on streaming last price updates" on under accounts tab, and kept that tab open the whole time. If I close that window, that checkmark will go back to unchecked status.

However I'm still noticing strange things when looking at the quotes and price triggers. The percentages are way off I believe, take a look at this example:

Why is the percentage so large, if the price isn't really near the limit order? This is something that re-occurs, as you can see with other symbols. This is a problem since limit orders are then usually nowhere near the desired range, but still get triggered. This seems to occur the first few seconds when strategy gets refreshed and sent to quotes and price triggers.

EDIT: I noticed at example of PENDLEUSDT, if the price goes down, so does the percentage. Shouldn't it be the opposite - percentage should actually go up the closer it gets to the desired point? CURRENTLY: 500% --> 100%, instead of 50% --> 100%?

Also: is there any way to cancel the orders that not get filled, just before a new candlestick opens inside of wealthlab to keep the trade consistency? If I for example created a binance API bot that cancelled limit orders just before wealthlab would re-scan
 ( 7.21% )
- ago
The percentage measures how close the price is to moving the distance it needs to move on that day to hit the trigger. For example, if the trigger is 100, and prices open at 95, price needs to move 5 to hit the trigger. If price moves up to 97, then it’s moved 40% of the distance it needs.

Regarding the cancelation, what is the context here? running daily, intraday? looks like you are using the Quotes tool? What’s your trading workflow?
- ago
Regarding the percentages, check the examples of what is happening when coin changes its value (2,96955 being the limit order trigger):

My workflow is:

- Index of top50 binance coins, usage of "send to quotes tool"
- Intraday trading (60 minute candlesticks) - data polling
- Simple strategy as shown in the image

 ( 7.21% )
- ago
I don’t see anything wrong about the percentages. The move was hit (100%) and the prices continued to move even much higher.

For your workflow, I’d recommend just not using the Quotes tool, but instead just AutoPlace the limit orders. Each hour WL8 will automatically cancel/replace the orders if the prices changed.
- ago
Price never got nowhere near 2,9965 at any point in the last 5 hours. The order was placed at 19:00:45 according to your data.

this was the order:

Am I missing something here? If you put a buy limit order, shouldn't the percentage go up, if the price goes down, because it's reaching closer to the desired price?

Thank you for the information, I realize that, but I got this idea from strategy evolver, where this strategy was profitable, but I could never have that many limit order positions open as there were in backtesting and would skew the results.
- ago
Also, look at this example, a bunch of orders got "triggered" under the "price and quotes" window, but the limit orders are not there!

 ( 7.21% )
- ago
>>Am I missing something here? If you put a buy limit order, shouldn't the percentage go up, if the price goes down, because it's reaching closer to the desired price?<<

Yes that's right, for a LONG LIMIT order, the percentage will go up as the prices moves down closer to the limit price.

>>Price never got nowhere near 2,9965 at any point in the last 5 hours<<

The Price Trigger will trigger if the move hits the percentage threshold you have configured in the Quotes tool. The percent must have hit the threshold value, otherwise the order would not have gotten sent to the Order Manager.

>>Also, look at this example, a bunch of orders got "triggered" under the "price and quotes" window, but the limit orders are not there!<<

Are you sure you had AutoPlace turned on in the Quotes tool? If not then no, the orders won't make it into the Order Manager.
- ago
So, I restarted and re-ran the strategy with "wait for all updates before processing" in mind, but the rerun was done at about 23:05 or so, not at the start of the candlestick, and everything is working as it should and the calculations are as it should be:

- LIMIT ORDER BUY: if price gets closer to order price (while price is going down), the trigger% gets bigger
- LIMIT ORDER SELL: price gets closer to order price (while price is going up), the trigger% gets bigger

But these percentages get skewed up and distorted when the strategy gets run at set times, for example, 23:00, or 17:00 etc (when the candlestick opens) and it seems like the reverse of what I just said starts happening (hence the large percentages). This is my observation at least.
 ( 7.21% )
- ago
I'll spend some time looking at this on an hourly scale. It's not a scenario we have really used much, typically the Quotes tool is used on a Daily scale. Since the triggers are based on movement from OPEN price it could be that mid-day submission is causing some distortion. We'll likely need to do some work to get it working smoothly in hourly scale, considering auto-cancelation and initializing the percentages etc.
- ago
>>Yes that's right, for a LONG LIMIT order, the percentage will go up as the prices moves down closer to the limit price.<<

so how do you explain this?

images were taken some minutes inbetween:

price went up AWAY from the order price and percentage also went up.

>>I'll spend some time looking at this on an hourly scale. It's not a scenario we have really used much, typically the Quotes tool is used on a Daily scale. Since the triggers are based on movement from OPEN price it could be that mid-day submission is causing some distortion. We'll likely need to do some work to get it working smoothly in hourly scale, considering auto-cancelation and initializing the percentages etc.<<

no biggie :) I'm really thankful for the quick response, just wanted to prove it's a re-occuring thing and not just one time issue. I'll find out soon whether the delay on the ticker helps resolving this.
 ( 7.21% )
- ago
I'm not sure, but this is what I'm seeing. In the first image, the price moved past the limit price and the trigger percent is 104%. Subsequently, the price moved back up and the trigger percent was reduced to 85%. Perhaps those were two different "pushes" to Quotes in your screenshots?

- ago
When it refreshed at 0:00, the same thing re-occured. They were not two different pushes to quotes between the images.

Could it have something to do with information overflow? Could you add all these coins and not just ETHUSDT and MANAUSDT?

 ( 7.21% )
- ago
If it happened on the refresh then that explains it, it's some side effect of the new ability to refresh the quotes from the Strategy Monitor, it was recently introduced so we'll have to spend some time looking into it. Appreciate the heads up!

(BTW I consider the refresh at 0:00 a new "push" to Quotes)
- ago
No problemo :) This feature for auto-quoting is something I longed for in this software - and many others I assume! It's an excellent addition. I will attempt to try streaming data instead of polling data for the next attempt, but I have to go now. Will post results later.
 ( 4.70% )
- ago
Trigger % is calculated from 3 prices - the current price (Cp), the target price (Tp), and a reference price (Rp). Rp is usually the previous day's closing price (pdC) if it makes sense for the order. But when you add a new trigger price in the middle of the trading day, it's very possible that pdC no longer make sense as the Rp.

Take the scenario with a pdC at 10.00. Now imagine the price has moved up to 10.50 (Cp) and you place a buy at limit trigger at 10.25 (Tp). The pdC no longer makes sense to use as the reference price because it's below the Buy at Limit Tp.

In this case, we use the Cp - at the moment the trigger was entered - as the Rp.
Consequently, in this Buy at Limit scenario then, a 100% move would be from 10.50 to 10.25.

Give that explanation, I can't reconcile those large Trigger % values, but keep in mind this guidance from the Help for the S. Monitor to Quotes feature:

While useful in specific intraday scenarios, Send to Quotes does not fully support intraday strategies. Once a limit or stop trigger is sent to the Quotes tool, it remains active until it:a) is replaced with a new price, b) triggers, or c) removed manually. Synchronization with the Strategy will not be maintained. For example, if the Strategy cancels a signal, it will not be removed automatically from the Quotes tool.
- ago
>>Give that explanation, I can't reconcile those large Trigger % values, but keep in mind this guidance from the Help for the S. Monitor to Quotes feature:

While useful in specific intraday scenarios, Send to Quotes does not fully support intraday strategies. Once a limit or stop trigger is sent to the Quotes tool, it remains active until it:a) is replaced with a new price, b) triggers, or c) removed manually. Synchronization with the Strategy will not be maintained. For example, if the Strategy cancels a signal, it will not be removed automatically from the Quotes tool.<<

I've read that and well understand it. However, I can try to replicate the error on daily timeframe, because I believe the same thing will happen. This only seems to happen when trades happen right at the start of a new candlestick (currently, that's on the hourly timeframe)

I will also try to use 20 coins instead of 50 for example, because it could have something to do with software having too much information at once? But then I am limiting myself, as strategy evolver showed better profits by screening 50 coins.
 ( 4.70% )
- ago
because it could have something to do with software having too much information at once?
For 60-minute bars and cryptos, that would be one of the least likely possibilities (very close to zero).

What's probably happening is that the Rp is not changing when new a Tp is inserted for existing triggers for a 24-hour market.
It's a new scenario (for this new feature) we'll have to adapt to.
- ago
Thank you for the information.

Is there any way to trigger the activate button with your API? So that I avoid starting it immediately at the start of the new candlestick. In case there is, can you give me the link to the API command in your API instructions document?

 ( 7.21% )
- ago
If you save your setup as a WorkSpace, then when your open the WorkSpace, even via a command line argument, than any items that were Active when you saved the WorkSpace will open up as Active, provided this is turned on:

The WL8 Help entry on WorkSpaces has more info about how to use command-line arguments for automation.
Best Answer
- ago
Thank you very much Glitch! I did not know about that trick, this should help a lot.
- ago
Okay, so I noticed something.

This only seems to happen, if the "Quotes and Triggers" window is already open. I don't think it has anything to do with the opening of new candlesticks at set times, but like you said, it has something to do with overlapping calculations from previous candlestick.

Method of observation (1-hour timescale): I "ran" the strategy twice instead of letting it auto-run at 17:00 for example. First I ran it at 16:45 and sent to "quotes and price triggers", then at 17:15 while keeping the window open. There were large percentages again. This doesn't happen if I re-run strategy within the same hour (probably because calculations are the same)

My fix for now will be to close the "quotes and price triggers" window within a minute before next candlestick (xx:59:00).


