Currently you have to save a workspace to save a populated Strategy Monitor. I've found that something get corrupted overtime and my SM won't run all the strategies unless I run each one manually. To get rid of the problem I have to repopulate the SM which takes about 15-30 minutes for me at this point and is prone to fat finger errors.
I suggest you add a Save/Load Option to the Strategy Manager tool to avoid the above.
I suggest you add a Save/Load Option to the Strategy Manager tool to avoid the above.
You can save a specific workspace for each strategy with its parameters saved therein. That's what I have been doing
The more strategies an average WL7 user will trade using Strategy Monitor the more improvements will be needed to control this growing complexity.
Even maybe one day my declined "adding strategy comments" request will be restored)).
Even maybe one day my declined "adding strategy comments" request will be restored)).
@arflouro82 is right.
Occam's Razor says, "Entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity".
Occam's Razor says, "Entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity".
You can save a specific workspace for each strategy with its parameters saved therein. That's what I have been doing
So I have about 25 strategies converted over to WL7. Do you then open each workspace and run them separately? That doesn't sound like it scales well ...
The trick is designing all these features in such a way that they don't completely overwhelm a new user. At least, that's what I've been doing my best to try to accomplish.
I suggest you add a Save/Load Option to the Strategy Manager tool to avoid the above.
To avoid the above, we better need to get to the bottom and fix the presumed SM corruption rather than adding another crutch.
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