- ago
WL team - I am looking for a way to add the vortex indicator and TMM squeeze (with the 7 colors). I saw that there is a TASCIndicators library which includes the vortex on wiki lab but I think that since more active and compatible (link attached). I also want to modify and add retracements for the fibonnaci tool if possible. Do I have to code all this ?
11 Replies



 ( 7.72% )
- ago
Link? Do you mean TTM Squeeze or is there a TMM too?
- ago
Forget about the Wiki, it's not for your version of WL. It's deprecated. Simply drag Squeeze or VMMinus/VMPlus from the Indicators tab onto a chart.
- ago
excuse me i'm talking about TASCIndicators library.

For TTM SQUEEZE I'm talking about this model (image) which must be hard to code.

I coded indicators on TC2000 which is much simpler (formula), I admit that here I don't know where to start...
- ago
I know what you're talking about. Anyway, just do as suggested:

Simply drag Squeeze or VMMinus/VMPlus from the Indicators tab onto a chart.

That's all it takes.
 ( 7.72% )
- ago
I coded up a version of TTM Squeeze for another generous WealthLabber, who probably won't mind if I share it with the community. It also includes a _squeezeCode TimeSeries that you can use in a trade condition.

You'll have to adjust the color logic. Here's what the code below looks like -

using WealthLab.Backtest; using System; using WealthLab.Core; using WealthLab.Data; using WealthLab.Indicators; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WealthScript123 { public class MyStrategy : UserStrategyBase {    //create indicators and other objects here, this is executed prior to the main trading loop public override void Initialize(BarHistory bars) {          Plot_TTM_Squeeze(bars, 20, 2.0);          } //execute the strategy rules here, this is executed once for each bar in the backtest history public override void Execute(BarHistory bars, int idx) { if (!HasOpenPosition(bars, PositionType.Long)) { //code your buy conditions here } else { //code your sell conditions here } }       void Plot_TTM_Squeeze(BarHistory bars, int length, double stdDevs)       {          string paneTag = "Squeeze";          SetPaneDrawingOptions(paneTag, 15, 125);          TimeSeries price = bars.Close;          BBLower LowerBandBB = BBLower.Series(price, length, stdDevs);          BBUpper UpperBandBB = BBUpper.Series(price, length, stdDevs);          double factorhigh = 1.0;          double factormid = 1.5;          double factorlow = 2.0;          TimeSeries shifthigh = factorhigh * SMA.Series(TR.Series(bars), length);          TimeSeries shiftMid = factormid * SMA.Series(TR.Series(bars), length);          TimeSeries shiftlow = factorlow * SMA.Series(TR.Series(bars), length);          TimeSeries average = SMA.Series(price, length);          TimeSeries UpperBandKCLow = average + shiftlow;          TimeSeries LowerBandKCLow = average - shiftlow;          TimeSeries UpperBandKCMid = average + shiftMid;          TimeSeries LowerBandKCMid = average - shiftMid;          TimeSeries UpperBandKCHigh = average + shifthigh;          TimeSeries LowerBandKCHigh = average - shifthigh;          TimeSeries K = (Highest.Series(bars.High, length) + Lowest.Series(bars.Low, length)) / 2 + EMA.Series(bars.Close, length);          _momo = LR.Series(price - K / 2, length);          PlotTimeSeries(_momo, "_momo", paneTag, WLColor.Gold, PlotStyle.Histogram);          //create and plot a series of zeroes for the colored dots          TimeSeries squeezeline = new TimeSeries(bars.DateTimes, 0);          TimeSeries _squeezeCode = new TimeSeries(bars.DateTimes, 0); // use for screen          PlotTimeSeries(squeezeline, "Squeeze", paneTag, WLColor.LightGray, PlotStyle.Dots, true);          for (int n = 1; n < bars.Count; n++)          {             bool pos = _momo[n] >= 0;             bool neg = !pos;             bool up = _momo[n] >= _momo[n - 1];             bool dn = !up;             bool presqueeze = LowerBandBB[n] > LowerBandKCLow[n] && UpperBandBB[n] < UpperBandKCLow[n];             bool originalSqueeze = LowerBandBB[n] > LowerBandKCMid[n] && UpperBandBB[n] < UpperBandKCMid[n];             bool ExtrSqueeze = LowerBandBB[n] > LowerBandKCHigh[n] && UpperBandBB[n] < UpperBandKCHigh[n];             bool PosUp = pos && up;             bool PosDn = pos && dn;             bool NegDn = neg && dn;             bool NegUp = neg && up;             WLColor color = WLColor.Green;             int colorCode = 0;             if (ExtrSqueeze)             {                color = WLColor.Purple;                colorCode = 3;             }             else if (originalSqueeze)             {                color = WLColor.Red;                colorCode = 2;             }             else if (presqueeze)             {                color = WLColor.DarkOrange;                colorCode = 1;             }             SetSeriesBarColor(squeezeline, n, color);             _squeezeCode[n] = colorCode;             DrawDot(n, 0, color, 3, paneTag);             if (PosUp)                color = WLColor.LightBlue;             else if (PosDn)                color = WLColor.DarkBlue;             else if (NegDn)                color = WLColor.Red;             else if (NegUp)                color = WLColor.Yellow;             SetSeriesBarColor(_momo, n, color);          }       }       Parameter _plotTTMSqueeze;       TimeSeries _squeezeCode; // " squeeze color code 0= Green, 1= Orange, 2= Red, 3= Purple       TimeSeries _momo; } }

- ago
For the next update, would it be possible to add vortex to advanced smootheds? it is an indicator that is available at several brokers including IBKR.
 ( 10.58% )
- ago
Would these be the Vortex indicators you're looking for?

- ago
Yes, I am talking about these formulas.
- ago
Haven't we added the VMPlus/VMMinus aka Vortex Movement from the January 2010 issue of TASC?
- ago
It's correct ! yet I had it...
I had noticed a minor difference from the one used on TC2000, but I assume this is due to the data.


