- ago
What I do. Create Strategy Monitor window. Add strategies. Click “Run All Daily+ now” nothing happens. Waiting. Click again. After a third click or something it starts. Actually I’m not sure – maybe it’s a frustrating lag and no need for the second and so on clicks. Or maybe even it’s a question of indication and the process itself starts immediately.

After the first run no problem with running again with the first click.

Strategy and strategy settings:

22 Replies



- ago
When you click repeatedly, what does the Status column show? Chances are it's already processing your requests.

Next, have you noticed anything on the Log Pane?
- ago
Yes. I mean:

I clicked first, then waited for about a minute - nothing happened, then I clicked the strategy line and it showed the log text - and it says that everything started normally, but wasn't shown. And. Now if I click "Run all Daily+ now" and click any strategy line everything starts working as it should be at the very moment of this.
- ago
I ran a 5-minute interval compiled strategy in Strategy Monitor.
I noticed:
1- 'Run Now' say processing but it didn't actually run the strategy. I verified it from the debugger and also used 'Set Global' to see if certain values change.
2- 'Run Now' misses up 'Last Run' and next run times. Instead of running on fives ( 10:05, 10:10) it runs on, for example, 10:03, 10:08.
3- if it says Next Run is at 10:08. It actually sticks to the time but still does not run with this log error:
Status = Incomplete
1 Symbol not processed.

- Must restart WL 7 to fix the problem.

'Run Now' Should run and shouldn't change 5-interval next run time to values other than multiples of 5s.

 ( 22.69% )
- ago
Thanks the report. Bug report logged. We'll look into it.
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
I cannot duplicate this. I added 3 Strategies to the SM, set them to use Daily scale, with the Polling method. I then clicked Run all Dailies+ and they all quickly ran. Are there any other steps required to reproduce the issue?

- ago
Do you want me to open a separate bug bug for 5-minute interval to not confuse issues?
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Since this thread is about using the Run Dailies menu item, I think that yes, an issue related to intraday data would warrant a new topic. Thanks
 ( 22.69% )
- ago
With the current test version of the next build (10), I can't duplicate a problem with Run Now either. Some changes were made to deactivate Intraday strategies after Run Now, but I don't think any of us has a problem with Daily in build 9 either.

I just noticed we're testing with W-D, not FInam like the topic starter. Eugene, could you take a look there?
- ago
Sorry, I'm still busy with the QUIK broker provider.
 ( 22.69% )
- ago
Don't see a problem using Finam either. Please give it a try again when Build 10 is out (tomorrow?). If you run into a problem again, make sure to click to "View Log Pane" in the S. Monitor, then right click, copy, and paste the log here. Include a list of the symbols in the DataSet you're using too. Thanks .
- ago
It's OK now, thanks.
Best Answer
- ago
I was wrong). It's not OK. All standard - built-in strategy, Wealth-Lab built-in WealthData dataset. You can see status and other information only after clicking the strategy line.

My params to reproduce:

 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Run Daily+ working fine at my end, wonder how I could get it to fail ...

- ago
Please do not select (click) any strategy line before clicking "Run all Daily+ Now". If I select any strategy - it works fine.

And again - it's a question of what is shown. Because if I run in debug mode VS2019 says that the strategy is executed, although I can see no changes on the screen.
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
That's how it works. The SM only displays information for the selected Strategy.
- ago
No, I'm not saying about signals list that can be seen only when the strategy is selected, I'm saying about status value (column in the main table), about a picture next to the strategy name and others, they all only become visible and start showing real values when any strategy is selected.
- ago
I've added strategies and did nothing more:

I've clicked "Run all Daily+ Now":

I can here sounds of signals generated, but nothing is changed in the table.

And then I click the first table line:

 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Ah ok, will work on getting that fixed for Build 11!
- ago
I've been having the same trouble. I believe it's something to do with restoring a saved workspace with a populated SM.

I had to create a new workspace with a clean SM and repopulate the SM with all the strategies to get rid of the problem.
- ago
It's good practice to recreate a workspace if there were considerable changes between the builds.
- ago
So I recreated the workspace and repopulated SM and it worked fine for 2 days. With the latest release the "Run all Daily+ Now" context menu no longer produces results.

If I click on each strategy individually and select "Run Now" it produces the signals.
- ago
Works for me. Can you provide details necessary to reproduce?


