- ago
Unfortunately, if you want to stream stock data via Interactive Brokers, you only get 100 shares for free (unless you pay...)

An alternative would be to do the live streaming with Yahoo.

Since Yahoo's historical data isn't among the best, I have my doubts about the quality of Yahoo's data for the streaming option.

Is there any experience with Yahoo as a streaming provider, is it ok to work with and is there a big difference to IB?

To put this question in another way: can you recommend Yahoo Streaming in the Quotes Window as a streaming provider if you use IB as a broker?
3 Replies



- ago
Hello KarlD77,


You did not mention the scale. If you are looking for EOD data, i suggest you can go with Wealth-Data and Q-Data. It's included in the product. Otherwise look into the forums posts. There are some post addressing this topic indirectly. (eodhistorical data, Norgate data ...)

So, many ways to look for historical data. The streaming service of IB is not free but on the other side nothing to complain.

The magic comes with the word invest. It is part of the game. Imho you should pay a little bit of money for live trading. If you do papertrading there is nothing wrong with any kind of data to try things out.
 ( 5.87% )
- ago
I just noticed that there's an incomplete sentence in that link provided by MIH.. .

If you need only quotes from these markets to power WealthLab's Quotes and Triggers tool, Yahoo! isn't a

I'm not sure what my thought process was at the time, but "isn't" is misleading. Yahoo! is a good option for Quotes & Triggers, although I personally would use it only as a backup.

I haven't done a comparison for Streaming Charts with Yahoo!, but I start a few now and see what it looks like after a few minutes.
 ( 5.87% )
- ago
I ran four 1-Minute charts for an hour, but the first one convinces me that Y! is certainly not a good choice for Streaming Bars. The top image are the true historic bars from the provider, where as the second chart were built from Yahoo! Streaming. Judging by the volume, you're getting only about 2% of the actual trading with Y!.



