- ago
I like the new Custom indicator creation feature and I've used it a couple of times to create some indicators I was using from the Community Indicators library. But I was wondering why you have to run WL7 as Admin when just using previously created custom indicators. I guess I can understand why you might have us run as Admin to create and edit them, but it doesn't seem like it should be necessary to do that to use ones that we've already created. Just curious about this...
14 Replies



 ( 4.95% )
- ago
It was the only way we could get the .NET dynamically compiled strategies to work with dynamically compiled indicators. Believe me, I spent many hours trying to make this work in non-admin mode, and perhaps it's still possible but I had to finally surrender in order to continue to work on other areas of the product.
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
I should add, once you’re finished developing a set of indicators, you can use an external compiler like Visual Studio to build a class library. You can then drop that resulting dll into the WL7 folder to use your custom indicators while not in admin mode.
Best Answer
- ago
@Glitch- Thanks for your post. I was thinking the same thing about building the class library (I had built a couple of indicators for WL6 using Visual Studio), but as I recall, there was a template for doing that. I wasn't sure what might have changed between WL6 and WL7 with respect to building the DLL. Do you have something similar I could use to create my own class library (perhaps a simple example project) that would be compatible with WL7? That would be really helpful - Thanks!
- ago
Check out: https://www.wealth-lab.com/Support/ExtensionApi/IndicatorLibrary

But it only includes the simplest case as an example. There aren't any examples of band, smoother, or companion indicators. You need to use a "second" constructor called Populate() inside your first constructor, which is kind of weird. And you need to type cast all your parameters (AsInt, AsDouble, AsTimeSeries) with a property in the Populate() constructor. Other than that, everything is as expected. Be sure to set your default namespace to WealthLab.Indicators to avoid name duplications. (I initially forgot to do that.)
- ago
Believe me, I spent many hours trying to make this work in non-admin mode, and perhaps it's still possible but I had to finally surrender in order to continue to work on other areas of the product.

@Glitch I just completed my first custom indicator and was able to run a strategy that uses it *without* going into Admin mode. Did I miss something about this capability being supported in a release made after these posts?
- ago
Compiled indicators which reside in Indicator Libraries built by Visual Studio can run in user mode, of course.
- ago
Compiled indicators which reside in Indicator Libraries built by Visual Studio can run in user mode, of course.

But I didn't go the VS route. Just followed the instructions and got it working as admin. logged back in as non-admin. and created a test using custom indicator (CI). CI was in its own group in the indicator list. Customer indicator worked fine with my coded strategy test. I'm using Windows 11.
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
Yes they will run in non-admin. it’s the creation process that has been problematic in my experience.
- ago
I'm confused. That doesn't seem to be the gist of this thread. Can you elaborate?
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
I ran into problems creating custom indicators while in non admin mode. therefore we restricted that feature to admin mode only.
- ago
Oh, that's clear but this post seems to be about running custom strategies as non-admin is not possible. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding from the original topic?

More importantly, I can expect to run my custom indicator as non-admin without creating a custom class in Visual Studio?
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
Yes you can, if you experience any issues just let us know!
- ago
That's great news! This is a very important new feature in V7 that will greatly simplify the code when creating strategies. Thank you!


