Just installed Wealth-Lab. The appearing Download NET dows nothing. Which .NET runtime do I need? Installed dotnet-runtime-6.0.11-win-x64.exe and aspnetcore-runtime-6.0.11-win-x64.exe, reinstalled wealth lab, biut it still shows the install NET on startup.
.NET 6.0. Don't forget to restart Windows. No need to reinstall WL.
I already installed the mentioned versions from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0 and restarted. Still get this message: 
If you think thats the wrong version, can you give me the correct .NET download link for Win10 x64?
If you think thats the wrong version, can you give me the correct .NET download link for Win10 x64?
If you installed ".NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.11" then you can ignore the message if it's popping up when installing WealthLab.
Ok, with the desktop runtime it starts. Thanks
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