Thanks for reporting this, we're taking a look!
But since it's unrelated to the main topic it would have been best to create a new topic for this issue.
But since it's unrelated to the main topic it would have been best to create a new topic for this issue.
There are so many problems,
why I should open so many new topics.
The problems are known.
why I should open so many new topics.
The problems are known.
We ask you to create a new topic to keep the forum organized. If you don't want to it's no big deal, we can reorganize the topics too.
And, the issue wasn't known to us, so thanks for alerting us here!
And, the issue wasn't known to us, so thanks for alerting us here!
Those zero bars in German symbols have been resolved. Consider deleting and reloading the data for all symbols in DAX/MDAX DataSets from the Data Manager.
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